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CS 440/ECE 448
Fall 2023
Margaret Fleck


To access certain of the electronic readings (i.e. without paying money), get onto UIUC's network (directly or via the VPN). With the VPN, you may need to select "tunnel all" rather than "split tunnel." (External folks looking at this page: your university may also have a suitable site license.) Readings from different sources often cover similar material, but it sometimes helps to read different versions if you're feeling confused.

Topic Russell and Norvig
4th edition
Russell and Norvig
3rd edition
Intro Ch 1, Ch 2 Ch 1, Ch 2
Probability and Naive Bayes Ch 12 Ch 13
Search 3.1-3.6 3.1-3.6
Robot Motion 26.1-26.6 25.1-25.5
Bayes Nets Ch 13 Ch 14.1, 14.2, 14.4 Charniak Bayes Nets
Natural Language Ch 23 Ch 23
Hidden Markov Models
Computer Vision
14.1-14.3 15.1-15.3 HMMs from Jurafsky and Martin (8.1-8.4)
Forsyth Prob/Stats (chapter 14)
Computer Vision Ch 25 Ch 24
Classification 19.1-19.4 18.1-18.4
Forsyth AML 1.2 and 2.2
Linear Classifiers 19.6 18.6 Jurafsky and Martin ch 5
Neural Nets Ch. 21 18.7 Jurafsky and Martin ch 7, ch 9,
Goldberg ch. 4-5, 13.15
Karpathy notes
Forsyth AML (Chapter 16)
Reinforcement Learning 17.1-17.2 17.1-17.3
Game Search 5.1-5.6 5.1-5.6
Constraint Satisfaction Ch 6, 4.1 Ch 6, 4.1
Classical Planning 11.1-11.3 Ch 10 Poole/Mackworth Ch 6
Vector semantics Ch 24 Jurafsky and Martin ch 6