CS440/ECE448 Fall 2023

Assignment 6: Configuration Space Planning

Due date: Monday, October 16 11:59pm

In this assignment you will write code that transforms a shapeshifting alien path planning problem into a graph search problem. See the Robotics sections of the lectures for background information.

General guidelines

Basic instructions are the same as in MP 1. Specifically, you should be using Python 3.8 with pygame installed, and you will be submitting the code to Gradescope. Your code may import modules that are part of the standard python library, and also numpy and pygame.

For general instructions, see the main MP page and the syllabus.

You will need to adapt your A* code from MP 2.

Problem Statement

Many animals can change their aspect ratio by extending or bunching up. This allows animals like cats and rats to fit into small places and squeeze through small holes.

You will be moving an alien robot using straight-line paths between waypoints, based on this idea, to reach a goal. Specifically, the robot lives in 2D and has three degrees of freedom:

Notice that the robot cannot rotate. Also, to change from the long vertical form to/from the long horizontal form, the robot must go through the round form, i.e., it cannot go from its vertical oblong shape to its horizontal oblong shape directly.

The round form is a disk (or a filled circle). The horizontal or vertical long form is a "sausage" shape, defined by a line segment and a distance "d", i.e., any point within a given distance "d" of the LINE SEGMENT between the alien's head and tail is considered to be within the alien .

For each planning problem you will be given a 2D environment specified by:

You need to find a shortest path for the alien robot from its starting position to ONE of the goal positions using straight-line paths between waypoints.

The tricky bit is that the alien may not pass through any of the obstacles. Also, no part of the robot should go outside the workspace. So configurations like the following are NOT allowed:

Accordingly, a straight-line path is valid if and only if it connects waypoints or goals and the alien stays in bounds and does not touch obstacles on that path. Also note that, since we choose waypoints randomly, there may be some waypoints that are too close to the edge or obstacles for particular shapes.


We consider the maze solved once the alien's centroid is at the goal position, as long as the alien is not violating any constraint (i.e., not out of bounds or touching a wall).


To solve MP5 and MP6, you will go through three main steps:

Part 0: Understanding Map configuration

Each scene (or problem) is defined in a settings file. We wrote the code to read each settings file for you.

The settings file must specify the alien's inital position, geometry of the alien in its different configurations, the waypoints (in a separate file), the goals and the edges of the workspace. Here is a sample scene configuration:

  Window : (300, 200)                     # (Width, Height)
  Obstacles : [
                  (0,100,100,100),  #(startx,starty,endx,endy)
  Goals : [
              (110, 40, 10)               # (x-coordinate, y-coordinate, radius)
  Lengths: [40,0,40]
  Widths: [11,25,11]
  StartPoint: [30,120]


Here is how the map from this configuration looks without waypoints:

You can play with the maps (stored in config file "maps/test_config.txt") by manually controlling the robot by executing the following command:

python3 mp5_6.py --human --map Test1 --config maps/test_config.txt
Feel free to modify the config files to do more self tests by adding test maps of your own.

Once the window pops up, you can manipulate the alien using the following keys:

While implementing your geometry.py file, you can also use this mode to manually verify parts of your solution, as the alien should turn red when touching an obstacle or out of bounds, and should turn green when validly completing the course, as shown in the initial figures.

Part 2: Adapt A*

The first part of this MP is to extend your A* code from MP 3/4 to handle our new 3D state representation. Your A* code must be able to handle the possibility that there are multiple goals. However, unlike MP 3/4, your code does not have to touch all the goals. It should consider the maze "solved" when it reaches the first goal. Your new A* code should be added to this file:


To implement search, you will also need to finish the implementation of MazeState in state.py. It might help to review some of the states you made in the previous MP. Complete all of the TODOs to finish the implementation. Note that unlike the previous MP, we do not include the MST in the heuristic, because we only need to reach one goal. Given the new objective, our old heuristic would not be consistent and admissible.

NOTE: unlike MP 3/4, in this MP, the maze might not have a path! So be sure to handle this case properly and return None! Also notice that the astar function now takes an extra argument ispart1. You should pass this argument as it is when you call getNeighbors() Don't change it as it will mess up the tests.

Part 3: Searching the path in Maze

In this section, you put all of the ingredients together! You will receive a given map and use your A* search algorithm to find the shortest path to any of the goals. You can test all of the components together with:

python3 mp5_6.py --map [MapName] --config maps/test_config.txt
Where MapName is in [Test1,Test2,Test3,Test4,NoSolutionMap]. If all your parts are implemented correctly, you should see an animation of the solution you just found playing in the main screen (you can press escape to kill it).



Provided Code Skeleton and Deliverables

You should use your code from MP5 for this MP. this zip file. You will only have to modify and submit following files:

  • geometry.py
  • search.py
  • maze.py
  • state.py

Do not modify other provided code. It will make your code not runnable.

You can get additional help on the parameters for the main MP program by typing python3 mp5_6.py -h into your terminal.

Please upload search.py, state.py, maze.py, and geometry.py (all together) to gradescope.

Do not submit extra files to gradescope.