CS440/ECE448 Fall 2023, Mp 4: A* Search for Grid Search

Due: Monday, October 2, 11:59pm

I. Overview

In this assignment you will be implementing the A* search algorithm for solving GridSearch. You can safely reuse some of the codes you wrote for MP3 (e.g. A* search) to solve this problem. You will see both the power of A* as an algorithm that applies to arbitrary discrete state spaces, and the power of heuristics to speed up search.

II. Getting Started

To get started on this assignment, download the template code. The template contains the following files and directories:

Please ONLY submit search.py and state.py.

For each of the remaining parts of the assignment you will find TODOs in search.py and state.py where you need to write your own code. For example, for part V you will find TODOs marked # TODO(V). We’ve provided many comments and instructions in the code under those TODOs.

In grid search we find a path through a 2D maze from some starting location to a single goal location. Each state is a discrete (x,y) location in the maze, and the goal is an additional location in the maze. From any location you can transition to a neighboring location assuming there is no obstacle there (colored black). In the visualization above green indicates the end of the path and red indicates the beginning.

Finally we come to GridSearch.

Run the following to see mazes and navigate them yourself with the arrow keys:

python3 main.py --problem_type=GridSingle --human --maze_file=[path_to_maze_file in data/mazes/grid_single] 

Now you will need to implement the SingleGoalGridState class. If you would like to see how the maze is built navigate to maze.py, but otherwise we’ve provided you everything you need and instructions in state.py where you have 4 “TODO(V)” to complete. The heuristic we use for grid search is the manhattan distance from the current location to the goal.

You can test your code with:

python3 main.py --problem_type=GridSingle --maze_file=[path_to_maze_file in data/mazes/grid_single] 

If you would like to also visualize the resulting solution in PyGame add the --show_maze_vis flag.

Now we consider grid search problems with multiple goals that can be reached in any order

We now generalize single goal grid search to multi goal grid search. There are 5 “TODO(VI)” for you to complete in state.py.

Multiple goals requires a new heuristic. The one we use is the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST). Specifically, given a state and a set of goals, the heuristic cost for visiting all the goals is computed as follows:

We provide you with most of the code you need to compute this MST heuristic, you can call compute_mst_cost(self.goal, manhattan) to compute the cost of the minimum spanning tree for a set of goals. Note that because computing the mst takes some time, you should store the computed mst values in the cache we provide you.

You can test your code with:

python3 main.py --problem_type=GridMulti --maze_file=[path_to_maze_file in data/mazes/grid_multi]

You can also check backwards compatibility by running GridMulti on a maze file with only one goal.

VII Submission Instructions

Submit the main part of this assignment by uploading search.py and state.py to Gradescope.


You are expected to be familiar with the general policies on the course syllabus (e.g. academic integrity) and on the top-level MP page (e.g. code style). In particular, notice that this is an individual assignment.