We'll be using a number of electronic tools this term. This website is the central location from which you can find all the other tools.
These pages are mostly ready, so feel free to explore. However, there may be last-minute tweaks.
Add yourself to this course on piazza. Fairly soon, I'll start using piazza for announcements rather than email.
Browse the web site and, in particular, read the syllabus. If you haven't used Python before, install it and start experimenting with it. See the MPs page (tab above) for details.
If you registered late (or are still trying to register), see the syllabus page (tab above) for how to get connected to our various electronic resources.
The CS academic office controls the course caps. I cannot override anyone into the class.
If you are not yet registered, please feel free to participate in class while watching for a seat to open. Be aware that we will not add students after Add Date (10th day of classes).
It is easy to switch from 4 hours down to 3 hours. It is often possible to switch from 3 hours to 4 hours, depending on how many 4-hour students I already have. You should submit the forms during the first two weeks of classes.