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CS 440/ECE 448
Margaret Fleck

Uninformed Search 1

Many problems in AI can be represented as state graphs. So graph search apprears frequently as a component of AI algorithms. Because AI graphs tend to be very large, efficient design of search algorithms is often critical for good performance.

Since this class depends on data structures, which has discrete math as a prerequisite, most people have probably seen some version of BFS, DFS, and state graphs before. If this isn't true for you, this lecture probably went too fast. Aside from the textbook, you may wish to browse web pages for CS 173, CS 225, and/or web tutorials on BFS/DFS.

State graph representations

Key parts of a state graph:

Task: find a low-cost path from start state to a goal state.

Some applications want a minimum-cost path. Others may be ok with a path whose cost isn't stupidly bad (e.g. no loops).

Road maps

We can take a real-world map (below left) and turn it into a graph (below right). Notice that the graph is not even close to being a tree. So search algorithms have to actively prevent looping, e.g. by remember which locations they've already visited.

Mapping this onto a state graph:

On the graph, it's easy to see that there are many paths from Northampton to Amherst, e.g. 8 miles via Hadley, 31 miles via Williamsburg and Whately.


Left below is an ASCII maze of the sort used in 1980's computer games. R is the robot, G is the goal, F is a food pellet to collect on the way to the goal. We no longer play games of this style, but you can still find search problems with this kind of simple structure. On the right is one path to the goal. Notice that it has to double back on itself in two places.

Modelling this as a state graph:

Some mazes impose tight constraints on where the robot can go, e.g. the bottom corridor in the above maze is only one cell wide. Mazes with large open areas can have vast numbers of possible solutions. For example, the maze below has many paths from start to goal. In this case, the robot needs to move 10 steps right and 10 steps down. Since there are no walls constraining the order of right vs. downward moves, there are \(20 \choose 10 \) paths of shortest length (20 steps), which is about 185,000 paths. We need to quickly choose one of these paths rather than wasting time exploring all of them individually.

Game mazes also illustrate another feature that appears in some AI problems: the AI gains access to the state graph as it explores. E.g. at the start of the game, the map may actually look like this:


States may also be descriptins of the real world in terms of feature values. For example, consider the Missionaries and Cannibals puzzle. In the starting state, there are three missionaries, three cannibals, and a boat on the left side of a river. We need to move all six people to the right side, subject to the following constraints:

The state of the world can be described by three variables: how many missionaries on the left bank, how many cannibals on the left bank, and which bank the boat is on. The state space is shown below:

(from Gerhard Wickler, U. Edinburgh)

In this example

Speech recognition

In speech recognition, we need to transcribe an acoustic waveform into to produce written text. We'll see details of this process later in the course. For now, just notice that this proceeds word-by-word. So we have a set of candidate transcriptions for the first part of the waveform and wish to extend those by one more word. For example, one candidate transcription might start with "The book was very" and the acoustic matcher says that the next word sounds like "short" or "sort."

In this example

Speech recognition systems have vast state spaces. A recognition dictionary may know about 100,000 different words. Because acoustic matching is still somewhat error-prone, there may be many words that seem to match the next section of the input. So the currently-relevant states are constructed on demand, as we search. Chess is another example of an AI problem with a vast state space.

Some high-level points

For all but the simplest AI problems, it's easy for a search algorithm to get lost.

The first two of these can send the program into an infinite loop. The third and fourth can cause it to get lost, exploring states very far from a reasonable path from the start to the goal.