We've see model-based reinforcement learning. Let's now look at model-free learning. For reasons that will become obvious, this is also known as Q-learning.
A useful tutorial from Travis DeWolf: Q learning
\( U(s) = R(s) + \gamma \max_a \sum_{s'} P(s' | s,a)U(s') \)
For Q learning, we split up and recombine the Bellman equation. First, notice that we can rewrite the equation as follows, because \( \gamma \) is a constant and R(s) doesn't depend on which action we choose in the maximization.
\( U(s) = \max_a [\ R(s) + \gamma \sum_{s'} P(s' | s,a)U(s')\ ] \)
Then divide the equation into two parts:
Q(s,a) tells us the value of commanding action a when the agent is in state s. Q(s,a) is much like U(s), except that the action is fixed via an input argument. As we'll see below, we can directly estimate Q(s,a) based on experience.
To get the analog of the Bellman equation for Q values, we recombine the two sections of the Bellman equation in the opposite order. So let's make a version of the second equation referring to the following state s' (since it's true for all states). a' is an action taken starting in this next state s'.
\( U(s') = \max_{a'} Q(s',a') \)
Then substitute the second equation into the first
\( Q(s,a) = R(s) + \gamma \sum_{s'} P(s' | s, a) \max_{a'\in A} Q(s',a') \)
This formulation entirely removes the utility function U in favor of the function Q. But we still have an inconvenient dependence on the transition probabilities P.
To figure out how to remove the transition probabilities from our update equation, assume we're looking at one fixed choice of state s and commanded action a and consider just the critical inner part of the expression:
\( \sum_{s'} P(s' | s, a) \max_{a'} Q(s',a') \)
We're weighting the value of each possible next state s' by the probability P(s' | s,a) that it will happen when we command action a in state s.
Suppose that we command action a from state s many times. For example, we roam around our environment, occasionally returning to state s. Then, over time, we'll transition into s' a number of times proportional to its transition probability P(s' | s,a). So if we just average
\( \max_{a'} Q(s',a')\)
over an extended sequence of actions, we'll get an estimate of
\( \sum_{s'} P(s' | s, a) \max_{a'} Q(s',a') \)
So we can estimate Q(s,a) by averaging the following quantity over an extended sequence of timesteps t
\( Q(s,a) = R(s) + \gamma \max_{a'} Q(s',a') \)
We need these estimates for all pairs of state and action. In a realistic training sequence, we'll move from state to state, but keep returning periodically to each state. So this averaging process should still work, as long as we do enough exploration.
The above assumes implicitly that we have a finite sequence of training data, processed as a batch, so that we can average up groups of values in the obvious way. How do we do this incrementally as the agent moves around?
One way to calculate the average of a series of values \( V_1 \ldots V_n \) is to start with an initial estimate of zero and average in each incoming value with a an appropriate discount. That is
Now suppose that we have an ongoing sequence with no obvious endpoint. Or perhaps the sequence is so long that the world might gradually change, so we'd like to slowly adapt to change. Then we can do a similar calculation called a moving average:
The influence of each input decays gradually over time. The effective size of the averaging window depends on the constant \(\alpha \).
If we use this to average our values Q(s,a), we get an update method that looks like:
Our update equation can also be written as
\( Q(s,a) = Q(s,a) + \alpha [R(s) - Q(s,a) + \gamma \max_{a'} Q(s',a')] \)