================================================================ From https://kpopjacketlady.com/2016/05/18/too-many-zucchini-time-to-make-kimchi/ Notice what happens to the "oops" part. Note. You shouldn't really open the kimchi to the air for the first few days because oxygen can alter the fermentation process, so oops on the trying it after 3 hours. I'll be giving it another couple of days and then try it. I'll let you know the results. [to French] Remarque. Vous ne devez pas vraiment ouvrir le kimchi a l'air les premiers jours, car l'oxygene peut modifier le processus de fermentation. Essayez donc de l'essayer au bout de 3 heures. Je vais lui donner quelques jours de plus, puis l'essayer. Je vous ferai savoir les resultats. [back to English] Note. You do not really have to open kimchi in the air for the first few days, because oxygen can change the fermentation process. Try to try it after 3 hours. I'll give him a few more days, then try it. I will let you know the results.