Google translate, October 2018 (Tends to work better on more common sorts of text such as news.) ================================================================ Text is from kpopjacketlady, "Too many zucchini...time to make kimchi" (May 18, 2016). [input English] I had a medium and a small zucchini, one off each of my plants. Because the green one in particular was a little large I peeled some of the skin off it and cut it so I could remove the soft pulpy bit in the center where the seeds are. If you use nice small ones you can just slice them up. The garlic bulb is divided into cloves which are then put into the garlic press. You can just finely dice it with a knife if you don’t have a press. [to Zulu] Ngangine-zucchini ephakathi nendawo encane, eyodwa ngayinye yezitshalo zami. Ngenxa yokuthi oluhlaza okwedlulele ikakhulukazi lwaluyinhloko encane ngayigxilisa isikhumba futhi ngiyinqume ukuze ngisuse isikhumba esithambile phakathi nendawo lapho imbewu khona. Uma usebenzisa amancane amancane ungawaqeda nje. I-amplikhi ye-garlic ihlukaniswe ngama-clove okubekwa kuwo umshini we-garlic. Ungakwazi ukuyifaka kahle ngommese uma ungenayo i-press. [back to English] I had a mid-zucchini, each of my plants. Because the green is mainly a small head and I cut it off and cut it off so that I could remove the soft skin from the center where the seedlings came. If you use small tones you can just finish them. The garlic split is divided into cloves where the garlic is placed. You can install it properly if you do not have the press. ================================================================