From Wikipedia
Snake is a famous video game originated in the 1976 arcade game Blockade. The player uses up, down, left and right to control the snake which grows in length (when it eats the food pellet), with the snake body and walls around the environment being the primary obstacle. In this assignment, you will train an AI agent using reinforcement learning to play a simple version of the game snake. You will implement a TD version of the Q-learning algorithm.
The external libraries required for this project are numpy
and pygame
. To play the game yourself and get acquainted with it, you can run
python --human
For us to program an AI that plays Snake by itself, we first need to understand how the game can be viewed from the lens of reinforcement learning (RL). Broadly, RL can be completely described as an agent acting in an environment.
Our environment is the game board, visualized in the picture above. The green rectangle is the snake agent, and the red rectangle is the food pellet. The snake head is marked with a thicker border for easier recognition. In, We define some constants that control the pixel-wise sizes of everything:
per frame.In the above picture, we have set our game board to be 560x560, with size 40 walls, size 40 snake body, and food. Therefore, we can treat the valid operating space of the snake to be a 12x12 grid of blocks, surrounded by a wall on each side.
You are welcome to modify DISPLAY_SIZE
in for your own testing, but you must set the DISPLAY_SIZE
to be a multiple of the GRID_SIZE
Implementation Tips: when computing quantities such as collisions with walls, use the top left corner of each “grid block” for its overall position. Also, do not hard code sizes of things. Use the variables defined in
The objective of the game is to move the snake around the grid to collect food pellets. Every time the snake/agent eats a food pellet, the points increase by 1 and the snake’s body grows one segment. When a food pellet is eaten, a new food pellet is generated randomly on the board.
The game ends when the snake dies, after which the environment rests. The snake dies if the snake head touches any of the 4 walls, or if it touches its own body (which occurs if the head goes backwards). The snake will also die after taking \(8 * ((\) DISPLAY_SIZE
\()- 1)^2\) steps without food.
With our enviornment defined, we can now move on to the agent. The agent operates in the environment by defining a Markov Decision Process (MDP), which contains
Each state in the MDP is a tuple (food_dir_x, food_dir_y, adjoining_wall_x, adjoining_wall_y, adjoining_body_top, adjoining_body_bottom, adjoining_body_left, adjoining_body_right)
[food_dir_x, food_dir_y]
indicates the direction of food relative to the snake head. Each takes 3 possible values:
: 0 (same coords on x axis), 1 (food on snake head left), 2 (food on snake head right)
: 0 (same coords on y axis), 1 (food on snake head top), 2 (food on snake head bottom)
[adjoining_wall_x, adjoining_wall_y]
indicates whether there is a wall next to the snake head. Each takes 3 possible values:
: 0 (no adjoining wall on x axis), 1 (wall on snake head left), 2 (wall on snake head right)
: 0 (no adjoining wall on y axis), 1 (wall on snake head top), 2 (wall on snake head bottom)
Note that [adjoining_wall_x, adjoining_wall_y] = [0, 0]
can also occur when the snake runs out of the board boundaries.
[adjoining_body_top, adjoining_body_bottom, adjoining_body_left, adjoining_body_right]
checks if a grid next to the snake head contains the snake body. Each takes 2 possible values:
: 1 (adjoining top square has snake body), 0 (otherwise)adjoining_body_bottom
: 1 (adjoining bottom square has snake body), 0 (otherwise)adjoining_body_left
: 1 (adjoining left square has snake body), 0 (otherwise)adjoining_body_right
: 1 (adjoining right square has snake body), 0 (otherwise)In each timestep, your agent will choose an action from the set {UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT}
. You should use the respective variables defined in for these quantities.
In each timestep, your agent will receive a reward from the environment after taking an action. The rewards are:
You will create a snake agent that learns how to get as many food pellets as possible without dying, which corresponds to maximizing the reward of the agent. In order to do this, we will use the Q-learning algorithm. Your task is to implement the TD Q-learning algorithm and train it on the MDP outlined above.
In Q-learning, instead of explicitly learning a representation for transition probabilities between states, we let the agent observe its environment, choose an action, and obtain some reward. In theory, after enough iterations, the agent will implicitly learn the value for being in a state and taking an action. We refer to this quantity as the Q-value for the state-action pair.
Explictly, our agent interacts with it’s environment in the following feedback loop:
Often, the notations for the current state \(s_t\) and next state \(s_{t+1}\) are written as \(s\) and \(s'\), respectively. Same for the current action \(a\) and next action \(a'\).
The Q update formula is:
where \(\gamma\) is the Temporal-Difference (TD) hyperparameter discounting future rewards, and
\[ \alpha = \frac{C}{C + N(s,a)} \]
is the learning rate controlling how much our Q estimate should change with each update. Unpacking this equation: \(C\) is a hyperparameter, and \(N(s,a)\) is the number of times the agent has been in state \(s\) and taken action \(a\). As you can see, the learning rate decays as we visit a state-action pair more often.
With its current estimate of the Q-states, the agent must choose an “optimal” action to take. However, reinforcement learning is a balancing act between exploration (visiting new states to learn their Q-values) and greed (choosing the action with the highest Q-value). Thus, during training, we use an exploration policy defined below:
\[ a^* = \text{argmax}_{a}\ \ f(Q(s,a), N(s,a))\] \[ f(Q(s,a), N(s,a)) = \begin{cases}1 & N(s,a) < Ne \\ Q(s,a) & else\end{cases}\]
where \(Ne\) is a hyperparameter. Intuitively, if an action hasn’t been explored enough times (when \(N(s,a) < Ne\)), the exploration policy chooses that action regardless of its Q-value. If there are no such actions, the policy chooses the action with the highest Q value. This policy forces the agent to visit each state and action at least \(Ne\) times.
Implementation Note: If there is a tie among actions, break it according to the priority order RIGHT > LEFT > DOWN > UP
When implmenting Q-learning as described above, you will need to read and update Q and N-values. For this, we have created appropriately large tables that are defined in the Agent constructor in You should read and write from these tables, as we will be grading part of your implementation on their contents. The order of parameters in the Q and N-tables are mentioned at the end of these instructions. Alternatively, you can look in the body of create_q_table()
in to see how they are initialized.
Update the N-table before the Q-table, so that the learning rate for the very first update will be a little less than 1. This is an arbitrary choice (as long as the learning rate decays with time we effectively get the same result), but it is necessary to get full-credit on the autograder. To make your code cleaner, we recommend doing the N and Q-updates right next to each other in the code.
When testing, your agent no longer needs to update either table. Your agent just needs to observe its environment, generate the appropriate state, and choose the optimal action without the exploration function.
Implementation Note: Don’t forget the edge case for updating your Q and N tables when \(t=0\). At \(t = 0\), both \(s\) and \(a\) will be None
. In that case, is there anything for us to update the Q and N-tables with? Only at \(t = 1\) will \(s\) and \(a\) correspond to a state and action for which you need to update the tables.
Implementation Note: When the agent “dies”, any arbitrary action can be chosen as the game will be reset before the action can be taken. This does not need to be recorded in the Q and N tables. But, you will still need to update Q and N for the action you just took that caused the death.
The autograder will train and test your agent given a certain set of parameters. It will initialize the environment with various values for the initial snake and food pellet positions. The first random choice by the environment happens when it chooses a position for the second food pellet, so your Q and N-tables should exactly match ours through the time when the first food pellet is eaten.
The first set of tests will check if your Q and N-tables match ours up to the first pellet being eaten. We have provided for you 3 example tests for you to test locally:
snake_head_x=200, snake_head_y=200, food_x=80, food_y=80, Ne=40, C=40, gamma=0.7
snake_head_x=200, snake_head_y=200, food_x=80, food_y=80, Ne=20, C=60, gamma=0.5
snake_head_x=120, snake_head_y=120, food_x=320, food_y=320, Ne=30, C=30, gamma=0.6
For your convenience, we have provided the expected Q and N-tables of these tests in the template code’s data folder. The file checkpoint1.npy corresponds to Test 1, checkpoint2.npy to Test 2, and checkpoint3.npy to Test 3. All of these tests assume a DISPLAY_SIZE
of 560 and a GRID_SIZE
of 40, which are the default values.
The major tests on the autograder will train your agent for thousands of episodes/games. In order to pass them, your code should not take too long and score enough points on average. You can test this locally as well by utilizing the command-line program
To see the available parameters you can set for the game, run:
python --help
To train and test your agent, run:
python [parameters]
For example, to run Test 1 above, run:
python --snake_head_x 200 --snake_head_y 200 --food_x 80 --food_y 80 --Ne 40 --C 40 --gamma 0.7
This will train the agent, test it, and save a local copy of your Q and N-tables in checkpoint.npy and checkpoint_N.npy, respectively.
By default, it will train your agent for 10,000 games and test it for 1000, though you can change these by modifying the --train-episodes
and --test-episodes
arguments appropriately. In addition, it will also display some example games of your trained agent at the end! (If you don’t want this to happen, just change the --show-episodes
argument to 0)
If you wish to compare your Q-tables and N-tables to the references, we have included a python script for doing so in If your saved tables are different from our solution’s tables, this script will print out the locations and the values of these differences. This script can be run each of the 3 tests, and an example for test 1 is given below:
python --test 1 --checkpoint checkpoint.npy --checkpoint-n checkpoint_N.npy
Please change the argument for --test
to either 1, 2, or 3 depending on which example you are running. Please change the argument for --checkpoint
to the location of your saved Q-table, and --checkpoint-n
to the location of your saved N-table.
You will not be tested on parameter tuning to achieve a high number of points. The autograder will pass in our choice of hyperparameter values. (So do not hard code them!) If you have implemented Q-learning correctly, you should pass all the tests with full credit. However, for fun, we recommend playing around with the hyperparameters to see how well you can train your agent!
Trained Agent
The file contains the supplied code (described below) and the debugging examples described above.
Do not import any non-standard libraries except pygame and numpy
Use numpy version <= 1.21.3. - This is the main file that starts the program. This file runs the snake game with your implemented agent acting in it. The code runs a number of training games, then a number of testing games, and then displays example games at the end. - This file defines the snake environment and creates the GUI for the game. - This file defines environment constants as defined above and contains the functions to save and load models. This is the file where you will be doing all of your work. This file contains the Agent class. This is the agent you will implement to act in the snake environment.
You should submit the file on gradescope. Do not modify the other provided files, aside from one caveat: it may be a good idea to mess with the DISPLAY_SIZE
variables in But, you’re still not submitting Note that this means that any changes you make to DISPLAY_SIZE
will not be reflected in your submission, so do not hard code their values in your agent!
Inside, you will find the following variables/methods of the Agent class useful:
self._train, self._test
: These boolean flags denote whether the agent is in train or test mode. In train mode, the agent should explore (based on the exploration function) and exploit based on the Q table. In test mode, the agent should purely exploit and always take the best action. You may assume that these variables are set appropriately. You do not need to change them.
self.Q, self.N
self.Ne, self.C, self.gamma
: Self-explanatory hyperparameters
: This function resets the environment from the agent’s perspective and should be run when the agent dies.
self.points, self.s, self.a
: These variables should be used to store the points, state, and action, respectively, for bookkeeping. That is, they will be helpful in computing whether a new food pellet has been eaten, in addition to storing previous state-action pairs that will be useful when doing Q-value updates.
act(environment, points, dead)
: This is the main function you will implement and is called repeatedly by while games are being run.