These pages may be slightly unstable for the first few days of classes.
Browse the tabs above to become familiar with the course materials and to join the discussion forum (piazza). If you have never used python, follow the links on the syllabus to find a tutorial.
CS just opened the last batch of seats in the course. The "CS only" registration restriction will be removed sometime on Friday (the 30th).
We do not maintain a waitlist. We almost never do overrides except to work around limitations of the registration system, e.g. admitting a freshman who does have the prerequisites, adding a student back into the course when they have been spuriously removed. If you are trying to get into the course, you must watch the registration system.
If you are not yet registered, please feel free to attend lectures while watching for a seat. Be aware that we will not add students after Add Date (10th day of classes).
Graduate students wishing to change to 3sh, or undergraduates wishing to change to 4sh, should see the CS academic office. This isn't difficult but wait until the office is no longer crowded with urgent problems (usually 1-2 weeks into the term).