- Understand the lecture slides and discussions thoroughly.
- Revisit the MPs, and WAs and make sure you understand the solutions
thoroughly. Repeat any you are not comfortable with.
- Take the sample exam as a dry-run for the actual exam.
The exam will cover all the lectures in the course. It is a
comprehansive exam. Listed here are topics not previously listed
in midterm1.syllabus.html or
midterm2.syllabus.html. They
include writing lexers in ocamllex, writing parsers in ocamlyacc,
Natural Semantics and Transition Semantics, Lambda Calculus,
and Axiomatic Semantics. The following give
examples of the kinds of questions you are likely to be asked
for each topic on the exam:
- Basic OCaml
- Know the basic constructs (e.g., match,
fun, let, let rec) like the back of your hand.
- Be able to evaluate OCaml expressions
- Be able to determine the type of OCaml expressions
- Be able to recognize when there is a type error in
code and why it is an error
- be able to describe the environment that result from
a sequence of declarations
- be able to describe the closure that is the result of
evaluating a function declaration
- Recursion
- Be able to write recursive functions, possibly
forward recursive or tail-recursive.
- Be able to recognize whether a function is
tail-recursive, and when a recursive call is in tail call
- Understand the performance benefits of tail recursion.
- Higher Order Functions (HOFs)
- Be able to write the definitions of the common HOFs.
- Be able to use map and fold to implement other
- Be able to write functions that use other functions
as arguments
- Continuation Passing Style
- Know what a continuation is
- Know what makes a function be in CPS
- Be able to write the CPS version of a given function
- Be able to control the order of evaluation using continuations
- CPS Transformation
- Be able to reproduce code for implementing the
calculation of the free varaibles in an expression
- Be able to reproduce code for implementing the CPS
transformation of an OCaml expression, given the mathematical
formulation of the cases for each of these.
- User-Defined Types
Be able to define
recursive algebraic (variant) types in OCaml.
- Know the difference between tupples and algebriac
types, and when each should be used.
- Be able to write OCaml functions over recursive algebraic types.
- Be able to create a recursive algebraic type to model a problem.
- Polymorphic Types and Type Derivations
- Explain and apply the key terminology of types and
type systems.
- Make proofs of polymorphic type derivations
using typing rules
- Be able to recognize incorrect versus correct usages of the typing rules
- Polymorphic Type Inferences
- Implement polymorphic type inferences using polymorphic
typing rules, include the gathering constraints
- Unification
- Solve simple unification problems such as the
ones in the lecture slides.
- Know how unification is used for pattern matching,
type checking, and type inference.
- Regular Expressions & Right Regular Grammars (RRGs)
- Be able to tell when a string is in the language of a
regular expression or a Right Regular Grammar.
- Be able to construct simple RRGs/Regular Expression
given a description of the strings they should accept.
- Lexing
- Be able to describe lexical items using regular
- Be able to write a simple lexer in ocamllex by
providing semantic actions associated with corresponding
regular expressions
- Be able to write mutually recursive lexers in
ocamllex, and use arguments to lexers to be able to
implement different kinds of comments, or strings
- BNF Grammars
- Creating a grammar that generates a given language (set of
strings) described in English
- Be able to build a parse tree for a string in the
language of a grammar, or say none exists if the string is
not in the language.
- Be able to create a family of data types (abstract
syntax trees) representing the parse trees of a given grammar.
- Demonstrate that a grammar is ambiguous, if it is.
- Be able to give a unambiguous grammar generating the
same language as a given ambiguous grammar, for common sources of
- Parsers
- Be able to write a simple parser in ocmalyacc by providing an
unambiguous attribute grammar using a tokens type and a family of
types for abstract syntax.
- Know how Action and Goto tables are used to implement an LR
parser (we did not cover, and you are not responsible for how to
generate these tables from a grammar).
- Know what shift/reduce and reduce/reduce conflicts are, why
they happen, and how they can be resolved.
- Operational Semantics
- Be able to derive the proof tree for the evaluation of an
expression in Natural semantics.
- Be able to derive the proof tree for one step of the
the evaluation of an expression in Transition semantics.
- Be able to compare Natural and Transition semantics.
- Understand the evaluation rules in both semantics, and be able to
write evaluation rules for new syntactic constructs.
- Be able to implement Natural and Transition semantics rules as
OCaml programs.
- Lambda Calculus (LC)
- Be able to parse a lambda term correctly (e.g. which
variable is bound by which abstraction, which variable is
free, what the scope of an abstraction is, what the grouping
of a series of applications is, which application is top-most, etc.)
- Describe and know how to apply α-conversions,
α-equivalence and β-reductions.
- Axiomatic Semantics
- Be able to prove simple statements in Floyd-Hoare Logic, similar
to the example of {y=a} if x < 0 then y:= y-x else y:= y+x
{y=a+|x|} that was done in class.
- Be able to prove a statement about a simple while loop, as in the
definition of factorial.