CS 421: Programming Languages and Compilers
Machine Lab 1 (ML1)
ML1 will help you learn basic OCaml syntax, and give you some practice writing simple functions. Keep in mind that your solution must define every required function; otherwise the grading program will not compile and you will receive no points for the entire homework set. For example, if you decide not to implement the function splat (for whatever reason), you need to have it defined as:
let splat x = raise (Failure("Whatever you would like"))

IMPORTANT: Make sure that you read the README file in the grader bundle. This file contains important information.

Also, make sure you read the "Guide for Doing MPs".

You are asked to sign up for a time next week to go to the CBTF, where you will be given a random portion (less than 25\%) of this assignment to complete for your grade for assignment. We recommend that you do the whole assignment beforehand to be comfortable with the problems, so you will be able to to the problems efficiently when you go in.

Be aware that if we have difficulties with the CBTF, this assignment will revert to an MP and will be turned in, in full, in the same manner as MPs.

Also, make sure you read the "Guide for Doing MPs".

ml1-4.01.tar.gz (for use on EWS)