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CS 419 - Production Computer Graphics
Last offered Spring 2021
Official Description
Related Faculty
Course Director
Ray Tracing from the Ground Up by Kevin Suffern. A. K. Peters, Ltd., Natick, MA, USA.
And various SIGGRAPH Course Notes for more recent advances.
Learning Goals
Be able to explain principles of rendering using traced rays, from basic raytracers through pathtracing. (1)(3)
Implement a geometric data structure to accelerate ray-tracing. Undertsand and be able to explain the trade-offs between using a uniform grid, a bounding volume hierarchy, and a kd-tree.(1)(2)(6)
Implement simple ray-traced renderers, including pathtracers. (1)(2)(6)
Know basic radiometric ideas, including definition of and units for radiance, radiosity and exitance and employ them to maintain physically correct lighting in a ray-tracer (1)(2)(6)
Know and implement example-based methods to synthesize (render) textures. (1)(2)(6)
Understand and implement current procedural animation ideas (1)(2)(6)
Topic List
Ray tracing
Distributed ray tracing
KD Trees
Path tracing
Irradiance Caching
High Dynamic Range Imaging
Bidirectional path tracing
Texture synthesis
Image based rendering
Basic ideas in animation
Inverse kinematics
Procedural animation
Human animation and motion graphs
Physical models in animation
Assessment and Revisions
Revisions in last 6 years | Approximately when revision was done | Reason for revision | Data or documentation available? |
Reduced discussion of photon maps, finite element radiosity | fall 2010 | Importance of topics minor compared to those introduced | Professional judgement |
Significantly increased discussion of image based rendering, introduced exercises using open-source production tools (rather than coding by students) | spring 2012 | Students cannot write sufficiently complex rendering codes in reasonable time to get a sense of issues in production rendering; they need to use tools as well | professional judgement |
Required, Elective, or Selected Elective
Selected Elective.
Schedule and Instructors
Title | Section | CRN | Type | Hours | Times | Days | Location | Instructor |
Production Computer Graphics | C3 | 31366 | OLC | 3 | - | Eric Shaffer | ||
Production Computer Graphics | C4 | 39734 | OLC | 4 | - | Eric Shaffer |