CS/ECE 374 � Spring 2021
Chandra Chekuri (chekuri)
Teaching Assistants
Stav Ashur (stava2)
Calvin Beideman (calvinb2)
Ruta Jawale (jawale2)
Zander Kelley (awk2)
Pooja Kulkarni (poojark2)
Thomas Mao (haoyum2)
Alexander Roe (roe3)
Yuancheng Yu (yyu51)
Shiliang Zuo (szuo3)
Course Assistants

Julie Arad
Aaron De Los Santos
Tue Do
Bohan Liu
Chenxu Liu
Yipeng Yang
Alex Zhang
Ryan Ziegler
Xiuhao Ding
Jade Xu
Xiaosen Wang
Hengyu Liu
Lauren Dou
Sean Liu
Angela Zhao
Rishi Patel
Advaya Dutta

Regular weekly schedule

Tue Thu 11:00-12:15, THEAT Lincoln Hall
Section AYA: Calvin WF 11:00-11:50, 1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci
Section AYB: Thomas WF 12:00-12:50, 4039 Campus Instructional Facility
Section AYC: Ruta WF 13:00-13:50, 305 Materials Science & Eng Bld
Section AYD: Alex WF 12:00-12:50, 1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci
Section AYE: Alex WF 13:00-13:50, 1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci
Section AYF: Stav WF 14:00-14:50, 1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci
Section AYG: Stav WF 15:00-15:50, 1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci
Section AYH: Pooja WF 16:00-16:50, 1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci
- There is no section AYI. -
Section AYJ: Zander WF 14:00-14:50, 4039 Campus Instructional Facility
Section AYK: Shiliang WF 15:00-15:50, 4039 Campus Instructional Facility
Office hours:
See schedule.
Due Wednesday at 10am, uploaded to Gradescope
Homeworks are released at least one week before the due date.
Under normal circumstances, graded homeworks should be returned within two weeks of submission.

Website generously borrowed from those of previous semesters.