Mahesh Viswanathan
Teaching Assistants
Qian Cheng
Antoine Dejong
Shweta Patwa
Spencer Gordon
Eric Huber
Mark Idleman
Alex Steiger
Tana Wattanawaroon
Course Aides
Osayd Abdu
Robert Andrews
Surya Bakshi
Edward Chou
Sebastian Conybeare
Matthew Faust
Jingwen Jiang
Sushan Jiang
Roy Young Li
Tong Li
Kevin K. Lin
Maidi Lin
Nishad Phadke
Sachin Ravichandran
Madeleine Walstad
Yizhi Zhu


May 3
January 19

Weekly schedule (by event)

Tue Thu 11:00-12:15
ECEB 1002
W and F between 9am and 3pm, depending on your section. See Schedule by Day, below, for details.
Office hours
See Schedule by Day, below, for exact times.
Available on Moodle before every lecture.
Tuesday Quiz: Released Monday at noon and due Tuesday at 9am.
Thursday Quiz: Released Wednesday at noon and due Thursday at 9am.
Due Tuesdays at midnight uploaded to Moodle.
Homeworks released Friday or the weekend, about ten days before the due date.
We will endeavour to return graded homeworks withing two weeks after submission.

Weekly schedule for week n (by day)

Noon: Quiz released on Moodle
Office hours:
12-1pm (Alex in Siebel 3403)
1pm-2pm (Mark in Siebel 3403)
5-6pm (Spencer in Ceramics 214)
6-7pm (Shweta in Ceramics 214)
7-8pm (Tana in Ceramics 214)
9:00: Quiz due on Moodle
11:00-12:15: Lecture
Office hours:
3-4pm (Mahesh in Ceramics 214)
Midnight: Homework n2 due uploaded to Moodle; only one upload per group.
Noon: Quiz released on Moodle
Office hours: none
Lab Sections
Section Time Room TA CA
BDA 9:00-9:50 1214 SC Tana Robert
BDB 10:00-10:50 1214 SC Mark Sebastian
BDC 10:00-10:50 1109 SC Eric Madeleine
BDD 11:00-11:50 1214 SC Qian Kevin
BDE 11:00-11:50 1111 SC Antoine Osayd
BDF 12:00-12:50 1214 SC Qian Sachin
BDG 1:00-1:50 1214 SC Alex Surya
BDH 1:00-1:50 1105 SC Shweta Jingwen
BDI 2:00-2:50 1214 SC Alex Edward
BDJ 2:00-2:50 1105 SC Spencer Roy
9:00: Quiz due on Moodle
11:00-12:15: Lecture
Office hours:
5-6pm (Qian in Ceramics 214)
Office hours :
3-4pm (Antoine in Ceramics 214)
4-5pm (Eric in Ceramics 214)
Lab Sections
Section Time Room TA CA
BDA 9:00-9:50 1214 SC Tana Robert
BDB 10:00-10:50 1214 SC Mark Maidi
BDC 10:00-10:50 1109 SC Eric Madeleine
BDD 11:00-11:50 1214 SC Qian Tong
BDE 11:00-11:50 1111 SC Antoine Sushan
BDF 12:00-12:50 1214 SC Qian Nishad
BDG 1:00-1:50 1214 SC Alex Nishad
BDH 1:00-1:50 1105 SC Shweta Jingwen
BDI 2:00-2:50 1214 SC Alex Yizhi
BDJ 2:00-2:50 1105 SC Spencer Matthew
Homework n released

Si maintenant vous me donnez une équation que vous aurez choisie à votre gré, et que vous desirez connaître si elle est ou non soluble par radicaux, je n’aurai rien à y faire que de vous indiquer le moyen de répondre à votre question, sans vouloir charger ni moi ni personne de la faire. En un mot les calculs sont impracticables.
Évariste Galois
For every polynomial-time algorithm you have, there is an exponential algorithm that I would rather run.
Alan Perlis
Algorithms are for people who don't know how to buy RAM.
Clay Shirky