CS 357
Fall 2023
This site was for the Fall 2023 semester and is not maintained. For the latest content, please visit the course website for this semester.
Review Questions for Floating Point Representation
Convert a decimal number to binary.
Convert a binary number to decimal.
What are the differences between floating point and fixed point representation?
Given a real number, how would you store it as a machine number?
Given a real number, what is the rounding error involved in storing it as a machine number? What is the relative error?
Explain the different parts of a floating-point number: sign, significand, and exponent.
How is the exponent of a machine number actually stored?
What is machine epsilon?
What is underflow (UFL)?
What is overflow?
Why is underflow sometimes not a problem?
Given a toy floating-point system, determine machine epsilon and UFL for that system.
How do you store zero as a machine number?
What are subnormal numbers?
How are subnormal numbers represented in a machine?
Why are subnormal numbers sometimes helpful?
What are some drawbacks to using subnormal numbers?