This is an archived copy of a previous semester's site.

Please see the current semester's site.

Course Schedule

The course is organized into three parts.

  1. Part 1 (Jan 16–Feb 21) covers hardware and systems-level programming.
  2. Part 2 (Feb 22–Mar 27) covers concurrency and operating systems.
  3. Part 3 (Mar 28–Apr 24) covers networks and services.

Each part has three MPs and a midterm. After Part 3 are a few days of review and extension topics and the final project.

1 Course Calendar

You can subscribe to the course calendar using this .ics link

2 Tutoring Hours

Tutoring hours are held in the lower level of the Siebel Center for Computer Science. Unless otherwise announced on discord, no tutoring is help on days when the university is closed or on break.

Day Time
Monday 11–2
Tuesday 2–4:30
Wednesday 12:30–4
Thursday 10:45–12:30 and 1:45–5:30
Friday 10–12 and 12:30–4
Saturday 11-4