1989 Mosaics - Shared Course-wide Middleware

Due Date: Completed and turned in via git before May 3, 2023 at 11:59pm
Points: Week 3 is worth 10 points


This week, you will adapt your MMGs to the course-wide middleware (https://github.com/cs340-illinois/1989-shared-middleware) and the Midterm #2 exam.

Optionally, for extra credit, you will work with the class community to expand the shared middleware. You must make code changes to the shared middleware via a Pull Request to the shared middleware repo.

  • Not sure what’s needed? Chat in #shared-middleware on Discord or check on the Issues.

Course-Wide Shared Middleware

From this point forward, you will not need to use your own middleware any more. Instead, we will all use a single middleware so that all of our MMGs will work together for the final project to create one giant shared pixel board.

Requirement #1: Refactor Your MMGs to the Shared Middleware

You must refactor ALL of your MMGs to work with the shared middleware. See the README.md for the documentation on how to add your MMGs to the middleware.

  • You should run the shared middleware locally, and make sure your MMGs connect to everything on localhost.
  • In Week #4, you will need to reconfigure your middleware to connect to a shared virtual machine.

Requirement #2: Creating Additional Mosaic

Create four additional MMGs for a total of nine MMGs. Each should be a different theme and should be given an individual name.


This week, you will need to:

  1. In your personal repo, have all your MMG updated to work with the shared middleware.

  2. A screenshot submitted on Canvas of the shared middleware running with the content from your nine MMGs. This link should take you directly to the Canvas assignment to upload: https://canvas.illinois.edu/courses/33908/assignments/702644