Interacting Web Services
Due dates may be found on the schedule.

Change Log

2024-11-05 14:39 CDT
Updated to include automated tests.

1 Overview

In this MP you will both build and use web service APIs. In particular,

The code comes with a simple web front-end that lets you interact with your completed service through your web browser.

2 Initial Files

Initial files are available in, including one file you’ll edit:

3 Courses Microservice

We have fully implemented a course meeting time microservice for you. You can find it in the courses_microservice directory. This, like the microservice you will implement, uses aiohttp to automate many of the tedious parts of running a webserver.

3.1 Running the microservice

cd into the courses_microservice directory and run it as python3 It should print out something like

======== Running on ========
(Press CTRL+C to quit)

and then wait for you to use it.

3.2 Using the microservice

On a GET request to the path /<subject>/<number>/, the microservice will respond with a JSON object with three keys: course, Start Time and Days of Week. For example, the following is the result of a request to /CS/340/:

  "course": "CS 340",
  "Days of Week": "TR",
  "Start Time": "02:00 PM"

If the microservice is unable to find the course, it will return a 404 and JSON with an error key:

  "course": "CS 300",
  "error": "CS 300 not found in schedule"

Assuming you’ve run this on your own machine, you can open a browser and try this out by visiting

If you ran it on your VM, use your VM name (e.g. instead of localhost.

You can also use it with aiohttp’s web client tools, which is what the microservice you implement will do.

4 Machine Problem

Complete such that

5 Tips

5.1 Calling the Microservice

Your program must make HTTP requests to the schedule microservice. The aiohttp client quickstart shows an example of doing this. Note the two nested async with statements: you do need both, nested in that order, and can’t return the resp directly. Also note that the resp is a ClientResponse and has other methods you might find helpful as well.

SSL Errors

When calling the course schedules microservice, you need to use HTTP, not HTTPS.

When calling the National Weather Service, you need to use HTTPS. This both uses certificates so you know you are contacting the correct server and encryption so you know your messages are not being read or tampered with along the way.

Some students have reported errors connecting to these pages based on a mismatch between their installed SSL certificates and those used by one or both of these servers.

You might be able to fix this by installing certifi as either sudo apt install python3-certifi or python3 -mpip install certifi.

You can also bypass certificate checking entirely. This is dangerous in general, meaning you might be talking to a different server than you expected, but as long as the messages you send contain no sensitive information and having someone spoof the messages wouldn’t cause any harm, you can do it by changing your ClientSession constructor to be

aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=aiohttp.TCPConnector(ssl=False)) # INSECURE!

5.2 Dates and Times

You can find the current date and time

You can construct a new datetime either by adding a timedelta to an existing datetime or by supplying the year, month, day, hour, and so on to the constructor.

There are quite powerful string-to-date and date-to-string functions in the datetime library, but they’re complicated enough to be tricky to use properly. It might be easier to handle those tasks manually.

You don’t need to be super efficient. Even inefficient code is likely to finish in a fraction of the time needed to contact the weather service API.

5.3 Caching

If I ask your app for the weather for a set of courses, and then ask again for the same set of courses, it must not access the National Weather Service for the second set of requests. But if I shut your app off, turn it on again, and ask for that same set of courses again, it should access the National Weather Service that time.

The easiest way to handle this is to store results in a global variable; something like

whatever_you_name_your_cache = {}

def my_cached_function(args):
    global whatever_you_name_your_cache
    if args in whatever_you_name_your_cache:
        return whatever_you_name_your_cache[args]
    result = compute_from(args)
    whatever_you_name_your_cache[args] = result
    return result

There are many variations on that general pattern.

You are welcome to decide how to handle your cache. Last semester we saw working solutions along all of the following patterns:

You’re welcome to also cache course ↦ meeting time, but doing so is not required or expected.

6 Testing Your Application

A frontend has been provided for you to test your web application.

To run this front-end, you need to run the courses microservice and your app and give your app the URL of the microservice in an environment variable. We’ve provided a simple make start script to do this for you. Once you make start you can connect to http://localhost:5000/ (possibly replacing localhost with the full name of your VM) to view your app.

What make start does

There are two lines in the make start target:

python3 courses_microservice/ &
COURSES_MICROSERVICE_URL=http://localhost:34000 python3

6.1 Testing Suggestions

Ensure that your server works for courses many days in the future AND for courses later the same day. (Ex: If you check your service at 9:00am for your 1:00pm class, it should report weather back for the 1:00pm class that same day.)

Test several different courses:

6.2 Automated Tests via pytest

We provide automated tests, which you can run with make test or python3 -m pytest.

These tests use a checking service on to verify your data. That is set up to run continuously, but if it goes down for some reason the automated tests won’t work until it is restarted. Automated restart attempts are made every 5 minutes; if those fail then the service won’t be able to restart until business hours when the professor and/or IT staff can fix it.

The National Weather Service updates their forecasts roughly once an hour, but does not publish when those updates will occur. There’s a very small chance (well under 0.1%) that any given run will have your code and the checker code get different forecasts; if that happens, wait a few seconds for the updates to complete and then try again.