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Grading Policy

Is there a curve?

This course is not designed to operate on a curve. However as this is the first time the course has been taught, the total scores for the course may be curved (before any extra credit is calculated). This will be done by adjusting the grade cutoffs posted on the syllabus and will only be adjusted to be lower. For example, the cutoff for an A- is 90% but may be adjusted to be slightly lower (but will never be raised).

I got a ZERO on the coding assignment but my code works!

We will always provide some test cases to assist you in debugging your code, however we cannot predict every possible error. It is entirely possible that your code will work on some tests and fail on others, sometimes in catastrophic ways. You are ultimately responsible for testing your code and are not guaranteed a regrade (manual or otherwise) however trivial the error turns out to be. However you are strongly encouraged to raise concerns about a test with course staff in a polite and constructive way. If there is an error with our test cases themselves, we will fix those and adjust grades as necessary.

Something was graded incorrectly on my exam.

If you believe there was an error in a problem on your exam, you can post your concerns on Piazza through a private post or email course staff directly.

Extensions and Late Policies

Unless there is a major emergency, there are no extensions or late submissions for the weekly lab assignments. Mini-projects will usually have a small window of time in which you can submit late, although you will not receive full credit for the assignment in doing so.

If you need to request an extension beyond those described above, you must email the course instructor as soon as possible and provide the relevant details about why you need an extension and what you need an extension on.