MP Grading Policy

CS 241, Spring 2012


This file is one of two instruction files associated with machine problems in CS 241. This file describes how to submit your MP, grading details, and other details that are shared between all MPs in CS 241. With each MP, there is a separate file that explains the specific details on the MP.


In CS 241, your program will only be run by course staff on 64-bit EWS Linux Terminal Server. The address of the 64-bit EWS Linux Terminal Server is

You may access these boxes via SSH using any program that understands the SSH protocol (ex: `ssh` on Mac/Linux, `putty` on Windows).

Since all testing and grading by course staff will be done on the terminal server machines, it is STRONGLY ADVISED that you test your program on a terminal server machine before submission. The fact that your program "runs perfectly" on a CSIL machine will get you zero points if your program does not run at all on an EWS terminal server machine.


The grading of each MP will be broken up into three different categories.

As with course policy on all assignments, you will have one week after your grade has been posted to make any regrade requests. All regrade requests will be done offline and should be submitted by e-mail to:

We will confirm that we have received your e-mail and we will e-mail you back when the regrade has been done. Please use your address when e-mailing us.

If you choose to come into office hours, we can look at your program and work with you to try and find and help you understand what was wrong with it. However, even if we are unable to find anything wrong in office hours, the regrade will still be done offline and no points will be awarded to you in office hours. This ensures that there is a single, fair, and universal grading scheme across all students. In fact, it's often the case that we will have you e-mail us regarding the regrade even if you have come into office hours.


All MP submissions will be done via subversion (svn). Subversion is a simple version control system that is used in nearly all open source projects today. If you haven't used svn yet, you will be using it for a number of different CS classes here at Illinois.

The URL to the CS 241 svn is:

If you have never used svn before, there are step-by-step instructions on the course website on how to get svn up and running for you.

Inside the svn, you'll find that directories will be created for you when MPs are released. These directories will simply be the name of that MP (eg: mp1, mp2, mp3, etc). Those directories are where we will pre-upload a fresh copy of the MP. You must edit/replace those files and submit them to the svn server for your MP to be graded.

Please note that SVN is the only way to submit MPs. Your MP WILL NOT get graded if you e-mail it to us, if you upload it somewhere on Compass, or if you place it somewhere else. You should always check that the correct version of your file is uploaded before the due date by going to the svn web interface by going to:

Please note the late policy on the course website, as it applies to submission on svn. Do not submit a new copy of your program after the deadline unless you want that copy graded, with the late policy applied based on the time of your last submission.