Handouts are here.
Also, many lecture topics are or will be turned into wiki pages on the wiki crowd-sourced book and videosTodos
Lecture handouts (and past-semester ppts) are in subversion here.
Login into your favorite UIUC linux machine e.g. ssh netid@linux.ews.illinois.edu // (If you do this on your own linux laptop, replace '$USER' with your netid if your user id != netid) mkdir cs241 cd cs241 svn co https://subversion.ews.illinois.edu/svn/fa14-cs241/$USER // (your svn area will exist 12-24 hours after course registration) cd $USER; // Create 5 awesome programs that are bad C programs. //Show that you know some of the C Gotchas by deliberately creating some bad programs // See my C Programming gotcha's here (I'm sure there are many other gotchas...)- // System Programming Book svn add myfile.c svn commit -m 'Awesome work by me' Before lecture.... Open https://subversion.ews.illinois.edu/svn/fa14-cs241/$USER ..(replace $USER with your netid) to print your work and bring it to lecture #2. Q. Help I'm stuck! These instructions are insufficient! //Ans. Don't panic. You're not in the course alone. Use Piazza. Use Google. //You're not a freshwoman/freshman any more. You're from UIUC - you can do this! A / A+ students ... Got some spare time ? Play with the linux-in-the-browser project