Project Grading Rubric

  • Week 1 - Design and Middleware Implementation (30 points)

    • You have completed documentation for and
    • You have a working middleware implementation
    • (All or nothing)
  • Week 2 - Caching and Additional MGs (30 points)

    • You implemented caching
    • You documented an advanced feature
    • You implemented a static MG (-15 points if you used my work or a small delta of my work instead of making your own)
    • You implemented a dynamic MG (-15 points if your dynamic maze was unique unique with high probability)
  • Week 3 - Shared Middleware (20 points)

    • You MGs successfully connect and interact with the shared middleware.
  • Week 4 - Finale and Showcase (70 points)

    • You explained your MGs at the course-wide showcase
    • Your static MG was functional at the showcase (-25 points if your static MG was late)
    • Your dynamic MG was functional at the showcase (-25 points if your dynamic MG was late)

Your final project grade is broken down by week on Canvas.