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Exam 5

There will be one programming question. The programming question will be in an enviroment identical to the PotDs. It will require programming complete and correct C++ programs. Partial credit will only be given for working, compilable code that passes some test cases. Code that doesnt compile will not receive any credit. Multiple (but not unlimited) submissions will be allowed.

The coding question will be writing a tree iterator. There will be a practice in PL.

There will also be one free response question and several short answer or multiple choice questions on material covered on previous exams as well as the topics listed below.

  • Graphs
  • Graph Representation
  • Graph Traversal
  • MST Algorithms Prim’s algorithm and Kruskal’s algorithm
  • Shortest Path Dijkstra’s algorithm and Floyd–Warshall algorithm

  • Hashing
  • Hash functions
  • SUHA
  • Types of Hashing
  • Rehashings

Assignments referenced:

  • mp_lists, mp_mosaics, mp_traversals
  • lab_trees, lab_hash


Registration: Friday, April 12

Start: Monday, April 22

End: Wednesday, April 24