Tempestuous Trees
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CBinaryTree< T >The BinaryTree class represents a templated linked-memory tree data structure
 CGenericNodeDescriptor< DerivedDescriptor >
 CGenericNodeDescriptor< BinaryTreeNodeDescriptor< Node > >
 CBinaryTreeNodeDescriptor< Node >
 Cstd::iterator< std::forward_iterator_tag, BinaryTree< T >::Node * > [external]
 CTreeTraversal< T >::IteratorA forward iterator class through an TreeTravesal, derived from the std iterator class
 CBinaryTree< T >::NodeRepresents a tree node; that is, an element in a BinaryTree
 CTreeTraversal< T >Pure virtual class for traversal algorithms on trees
 CInorderTraversal< T >A derived, templatized class for inorder traversal algorithms on trees
 CPreorderTraversal< T >A derived, templatized class for preorder traversal algorithms on trees