Hazardous Huffman Codes
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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 binary_file_reader.cppImplementation of a binary file class for input operations
 binary_file_reader.hDefinition of a binary file class for input operations
 binary_file_writer.cppImplementation of a binary file class for output operations
 binary_file_writer.hDefinition of a binary file class for output operations
 decoder.cppImplementation of a namespace for decoding files using HuffmanTrees
 decoder.hDefinitions for functions for the decoder program
 decoder_prog.cppDecoder program for decoding files compressed with HuffmanTrees
 encoder.cppImplementation of a namespace for encoding files using HuffmanTrees
 encoder.hDefinitions for functions for the encoder program
 frequency.cppImplementation of the Frequency storage class
 frequency.hDefinition of a character frequency class
 huffman_tree.cppImplementation of a Huffman Tree class
 huffman_tree.hDefinition of a Huffman Tree class
 print_as_ascii.cppA simple command line program that prints a binary file (as created from a BinaryFileWriter) as a sequence of ascii 0s and 1s