Hellish Hash Tables
anagram_finder.cpp | Implementation of the AnagramFinder class |
anagram_finder.h | Definition of an AnagramFinder class for finding anagrams in a set of strings or within a file |
anagramtest.cpp | Test for the anagram finder |
char_counter.cpp | Implementation of the CharFreq class |
char_counter.h | Definition of the CharFreq class |
charcount.cpp | CharFreq tester program |
hashes.cpp | Implementation of specialized hash functions for different key types |
hashes.h | Definition of a namespace containing a templatized hash function |
hashtable.h | Definition of an abstract HashTable interface |
htiterator.cpp | Implementation of an iterator class over HashTables |
htiterator.h | Definition for an iterator class for HashTables |
lfparse.cpp | Logfile Parser application |
logfile_generator.cpp | Logfile Generator application |
logfile_parser.cpp | Implementation of the LogfileParser class |
logfile_parser.h | Definition of a LogfileParser class |
lphashtable.cpp | Implementation of the LPHashTable class |
lphashtable.h | Definition of a Linear Probing Hash Table |
schashtable.cpp | Implementation of the SCHashTable class |
schashtable.h | Definition of the SCHashTable class |
textfile.cpp | Implementation of the TextFile class |
textfile.h | Definition of a text file reading interface |
word_counter.cpp | Implementation of the WordFreq class |
word_counter.h | Definition of the WordFreq class |
wordcount.cpp | Testing program for the WordFreq class |