Hellish Hash Tables
CAnagramFinder | AnagramFinder class |
CCharFreq | CharFreq class: a class that allows for counting the frequency with which characters appear in a file |
▼CHashTable | HashTable: a templated class that implements the Dictionary ADT by using a hash table |
Citerator | Iterator for iterating over a hashtable |
▼CLogfileParser | LogfileParser class: Provides an interface for querying logfiles of a particular format |
CLogLine | LogLine structure: Represents the information contained in a single line of the logfile |
CLPHashTable | LPHashTable: a HashTable implementation that uses linear probing as a collision resolution strategy |
CSCHashTable | SCHashTable: A HashTable implementation that uses a separate chaining collision resolution strategy |
CTextFile | TextFile class: defines an interface for reading in a text file |
CWordFreq | WordFreq: counts the frequency with which words appear in a file |