The exam will consist of a few multiple choices conceptual questions, one free response question that will be hand graded when the exam is over, and one programming question. The exam will cover content up to and including Monday, September 9.
The free response question will test your understanding of Big O in the context of List implementations. You will be expected to state the best Big O for the implementation you are given and then justify your claim in about a paragraph of full-sentence text. The implementations will be minor modifications of the core implementations seen in class.
The programming question will require writing complete and correct C++ code. Partial credit will only be given for working, compilable code that passes some test cases. Code that doesnt compile will not receive any credit. Multiple (but not unlimited) submissions will be allowed.
Topics Covered:
Assignments referenced:
Registration: Thursday, September 05
Start: Wednesday, September 18
End: Friday, September 20