
This semester, we will have Exams using the Computer Based Testing Facility (CBTF).


Exams consist of multiple choice or short answer questions. Some exams will also have programing sections.

Exams are 50 minutes long.

  • No questions about exam content will be answered during the exam. If you think there is a poorly specified question (or more than one), please post a private note on Piazza, and it will be handled fairly, after the exam is over. You can also use the “Report an issue” button on your exam.


As per the syllabus, your performance on each assessment will be given as a percentage.


Exams will be sceduled with the CBTF.

Makeup exams

Given that each exam is offered for several days, the course policy is not to offer makeup exams. In very exceptional circumstances involving health or other emergencies, a makeup exam may be considered.