
Impregnable Introduction

Due: Sep 09, 23:59 PM

Getting the files

From your CS 225 git directory, run the following on EWS:

git fetch release
git merge release/mp_intro -m "Merging initial mp_intro files"

If you see an error about unrelated histories, you may need to run:

git fetch release
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories release/mp_intro -m "Merging initial mp_intro files"

Upon a successful merge, your mp_intro files are now in your mp_intro directory.

Adding your HSLAPixel class to this project

Before starting this MP, make sure you have finished lab_intro.

  • Copy your cs225/HSLAPixel.cpp and cs225/HSLAPixel.h files from lab_intro into mp_intro.
  • Just like in lab_intro, these files both go into the cs225 directory within the assignment folder.

Part 1: Create a Makefile

In CS 225, we feel it’s important you understand how a C++ program compiles.

Go through the Makefile Tutorial and create a Makefile for this assignment. You may find the lab_intro Makefile useful as a reference.

Your Makefile must compile together your own solution files, namely main.cpp, intro.h, intro.cpp, and files in the cs225 directory. Do not have typos in your file names or your Makefile! For example, make sure your Makefile compiles a file named main.cpp, not a file named main.C or test.cpp or any other such thing.

Please make sure your Makefile does not compile extra files that are not part of this MP. For example, do not add in files from the Makefile tutorial by mistake; the only files the Makefile should be dealing with are the few listed in the paragraph above.

Your Makefile must produce an executable called intro (all lowercase).

Part 2: Rotate an Image

Open intro.cpp and complete the rotate function. This function must:

  • Read in inputFile,
  • Rotate the image 180 degrees,
  • Write the rotated image out as outputFile

Here’s alma.png rotated 180 degrees:


In order to complete this, you will need to make use of CS 225’s PNG class, which you learned about in lab_intro.

Testing Part 2

The Makefile you created in Part 1 must produce an intro executable (all lower case intro). The following command must make intro:


A main has been provided for you that will call your rotate to read in in.png and output out.png. With that, you may use the given files in_01.png, out_01.png, in_02.png, out_02.png, in_03.png, and out_03.png to test your program. First, copy in_01.png to in.png by typing

cp in_01.png in.png

Then run your program:


Finally, compare the output by opening each file and looking at them or using diff to compare your output to the expected output:

diff out.png out_01.png

If diff exits without any output, then the files are the same! :)

Part 3: Getting Creative

Daniel O’Brien, fellow Illini and CS 225 alumni, created a website that now attracts over 40,000 followers that displays randomly generated fusions of color that are both mesmerizing and beautiful. Here are just a few:

Generate Your Own Colored Background

Open up intro.cpp and complete the myArt function. The myArt function must:

  • Return a width x height PNG image that contains original art you have created.
    • The width and height of your image will always be the same – every image generated must be a square.
    • By default, the width and height are both 800. Your TA will see your art rendered at 800 x 800.
    • You should focus on making sure your art looks the way you like at 800 x 800. However, your art must scale to any size (eg: be generic).
  • Your art must be unique and something you find beautiful or meaningful. There are very few requirements:
    • Your art must contain at least three unique colors.
    • Your art must not contain any external resources (eg: no loading an image from disk/web)

That’s it – everything else is up to you! You are highly encouraged to use gradients, fractals, or other designs in your art. More than anything else, have fun! As an extra bit, course staff will award +1 point to designs that are particularly unique, creative, beautiful, or stand out from other designs. Feel free to share it both on Piazza and across social media with #cs225!

Finally, you will make use of and see your artwork later in the semester. Make it something you’ll be happy to see. :)

Testing Part 3

The main.cpp provided for you will produce your artwork instead of an image if you run ./intro with a command line parameter. If you provide a number which defines both width and height of your image (default: 800) after ./intro, it will save your artwork as art.png. For example:

./intro 800

Sharing Your Art

You just made something awesome that never existed before -- you should share your art (but do not have to)!

If you share your art on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with #cs225, I will or the post as soon as I see it. I think many of your peers will too!   — Wade

Autograder Testing

We have provided a few automated tests that will test your Part 2 code only. You can run a subset of the test cases that will be used in the autograder with the following commands:

make test

Grading and Submission

You must submit your work to git for grading. We will use the following files for grading:

  • Makefile
  • cs225/HSLAPixel.cpp
  • cs225/HSLAPixel.h
  • intro.cpp

All other flies will be ignored in grading.