Assignment Description
This lab is all about making you think with dictionaries. Dictionaries (aka
maps or associative arrays) are an abstract data type which stores pairs of
data and can support operations like insert
, find
, and remove
. We
generally call these (key, value) pairs. The idea is to associate a key
with a certain value. Hence, dictionaries are useful for when you want to
quickly “lookup” a value associated with a certain key. The name dictionary
comes from the more familiar physical dictionary, where you lookup the
definitions of words. If we were to model a physical dictionary with an ADT
dictionary the keys would be the words, and the values would be their
Since dictionaries are abstract in nature, they have no prescription for what underlying structure should be used to implement them. Common choices are tree-based structures (e.g. balanced binary search trees, BTrees, &c.) or some sort of hash table. Different underlying implementations have different performance considerations, and which you use in the real world will depend on things like desired performance and what is readily available.
For this lab, we’re not going to concern ourselves with the underlying
implementation of dictionaries (we’ve already done that in previous labs). Instead, we’ll be
using dictionary types that have already been defined for us. In C++ there are
two “built-in” dictionary types: std::map
and std::unordered_map
. Both
exist in the wonderful land of the Standard Template Library (STL). The STL is
a subset of the C++ Standard Library (the library a compiler must implement to
be standard-compliant) which provides data containers. As the name implies,
these containers are templated and thus can contain any type (which meets the
restriction of the container). You’ve probably experienced at least one of the
STL types so far: std::vector
, which is pretty much just a super fancy
array. In general, the STL types are very convenient as they provide a lot of
functionality (e.g. sorting, automatic resizing) that you don’t have to bother
implementing yourself.
Dictionaries are amongst some of the most important abstract data types that are used in the real world. Therefore, this lab is perhaps one of the most useful labs from a real world perspective. Mastering the concepts that you see in this lab will be a tremendous help for most technical interviews and programming problems in the future.
C++11 Goodness
/ unordered_map::operator[]
— easy element access
A convenient way to access elements in a map is with operator[]
(just like
array subscripts). However, you have to be careful. If key
doesn’t exist in a map
, m[key]
will create a default value for the key, insert it into m
then return a reference to it). Because of this, you can’t use []
on a
Range-based loops — easy iteration
The next super cool thing in C++11 which is useful in this lab is the
range-based for
loop, also called for-each loops. As it turns
out, a lot of programs involve iterating over collections of data (e.g. an
array) and doing something with each of those values. The duty of a programming
language is to make programming easier for us humans, so there’s usually some
sort of construct in the language to accomplish this.
In C++03 the main
construct was for
loops with iterators. So if I had a map<int, string> m;
and I wanted to iterate over every (key, value)
pair I would have to do
something like this:
map<int, string> m;
for (map<int, string>::iterator it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); it++)
cout << it->first << ", " << it->second << endl;
C++11 gives us a better way, taking advantage of what’s called a “for each loop” or “range-based for loop”:
map<int, string> m;
for (std::pair<const int, string> & key_val : m)
cout << key_val.first << ", " << key_val.second << endl;
The way you should read that for
loop is: “for each key_val
in m
do …”.
What’s happening is that the for
loop will update the variable key_val
each iteration of the loop to be the “next” element. Since we are iterating
over a map
, the elements are (key, value)
Notice that the type of key_val
isn’t an iterator: it’s the “dereferenced”
value of an iterator, in this case a reference to a std::pair<const int, string>
This value is a reference for two reasons: (1) so we don’t make useless copies,
and (2) so we can modify the values in the map.
These kinds of for loops are simple, convenient, and intuitive to use. They have their limits, but for many iterating applications in C++ they’re probably the best choice.
Now that we’ve talked about what dictionaries and underlined their importance, let’s move on the actual contents of this lab. This lab is composed of a bunch of different components. We suggest you do them in the order that we describe them over here.
Lab Insight
Dictionaries are important data structures that allow you to quickly search for a value given a key. One important use for dictionaries is memoization, which is used in dynamic programming. This basically means just storing the intermediate values of an algorithm to speed up later computations. This concept is discussed more below. To learn more about the practical uses of dictionaries, CS 374, CS 473 will delve deeper into the applications.
Checking Out The Code
From your CS 225 git directory, run the following on EWS:
git fetch release
git merge release/lab_dict -m "Merging initial lab_dict files"
If you’re on your own machine, you may need to run:
git fetch release
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories release/lab_dict -m "Merging initial lab_dict files"
Upon a successful merge, your lab_dict files are now in your lab_dict
This lab has a data
directory that you need to download
separately. You can get it by running:
make data
Memoization is an aspect of Dynamic Programming, which you’ll learn much more about when you take CS 374. However, it’s a fairly simple idea, and a common implementation uses dictionaries at its core.
Our first introduction to memoization will be through the use of factorials.
The factorial is a deterministic function: for a given input n, the value (n!) is always the same. The formal (recursive) definition is:
For example, say we already know the value of 5! and we want to compute 6!. The naïve way computing of 6! would be to calculate 6!=6×(5×(4×(3×(2×(1))))). Since we already know the value of 5!, however, we can save quite a bit of computation (and time) by directly computing 6!=6×5!, using the known value of 5!.
This idea is essentially what memoization is. According to Wikipedia:
[M]emoization is an optimization technique used primarily to speed up computer programs by storing the results of expensive function calls and returning the cached result when the same inputs occur again
Now let’s look at how we do this in code by looking at the memoized_fac
function in fac.cpp
. On line 93, we find:
static map<unsigned long, unsigned long> memo = { {0, 1} };
The left hand side is creating a variable named memo
which is a std::map
that associates keys of type unsigned long
to values of type unsigned long
In our case, we’re going to map a key n to the value n!.
The static
keyword is a neat little thing that basically makes this local
variable remain initialized for the lifetime of the program so that we can
reuse it across multiple calls to the function. It’s like a global variable,
but it’s only accessible by that function.
The right hand side initializes the map to contain a key-value pair where the
key is 0
and the value is 1
. Notice that this key-value pair corresponds to
the base case of our mathematical definition of n! given above.
Alternatively, we could have used
static map<unsigned long, unsigned long> memo;
memo[0] = 1;
The disadvantage of this method is that now the key 0
’s value will be
changed to the value 1
during every function call, as opposed to just at
initialization as in the first example.
Line 97 is
map<unsigned long, unsigned long>::iterator lookup = memo.find(n);
uses the std::map::find
function. As mentioned above, this
method returns an iterator; the type of lookup
is std::map<unsigned long,
unsigned long>::iterator
Lines 98–104 are:
if (lookup != memo.end()) {
return lookup->second;
} else {
unsigned long result = n * memoized_fac(n - 1);
memo[n] = result;
return result;
Going back to what we already know about iterators and std::map::find
, a
return value of memo.end()
basically implies that the key n
does not exist
in the map. In this case, we need to compute n!
and update our map to store
that value, which is exactly what we do in the else
A std::map::iterator
is basically a pointer to a std::pair<const key_type,
. A std::pair
stores two objects (key and its associating data in the case of map) in a pair. To access the first object in a std::pair
, we use the member name first
; to access the second object, we use the member name second
. For example, in the if
branch above, lookup->second
returns the
value stored in the map for key lookup->first
, which is going to be n
our case. If we wanted to be clever, we could rewrite this code as:
if (lookup == memo.end()) {
memo[n] = n * memoized_fac(n - 1);
return memo[n];
Memoizing the factorial function doesn’t actually do much for us in terms of computation time. To see this for yourself you can run:
make fac
time ./fac 20
and compare it to the time it takes for the memoized version by passing the -m
time ./fac 20 -m
Now that you’re familiar with how to memoize the factorial function, you’ll apply memoization to the Fibbonacci function. As we’ll soon find out, memoizing this function has real speed benefits.
The Fibonacci numbers are recursively defined as:
If you draw out some trees for calculating these numbers (which I highly recommend) you’ll notice something interesting. For example here is such a tree for F(6); each node represents a function call:
There’s quite a bit of repetition in this tree. Specifically the entire F(3) subtree appears three times in the tree and F(4) twice. The values in those trees get calculated twice. For larger values of n, the tree naturally gets larger and so too do the repeated subtrees. Remember that the nodes in this tree represent function calls, so each one takes some time. Suppose the F(4) call on the right happens before the F(4) call on the left. By the time we get to the F(4) call on the left, we already knew the value of F(4). What if we could store the result of F(4)? If we stored it, then when we call F(4) on the left we don’t need to bother with going through that entire subtree.
As we found out with factorial, we can use a dictionary for exactly this purpose. Imagine that inside our F function that we associate an input number n with a Fibonacci number. Every time we successfully calculate a value F(n) we store the pair (n,F(n)) in our dictionary. So now in our function we first check to see if n already exists in the dictionary (i.e. we’ve already computed it). If it is, we return that immediately. Otherwise, we make the normal recursive call, store the result in the dictionary, and then return the result. Using memoization the tree becomes:
The dashed nodes are ones which didn’t need to be calculated; one of their parent’s values was taken from the dictionary rather than being recalculated from scratch. The red nodes are the only calls where it’s calculated. As you’ll see in a while, the difference memoization makes is rather dramatic.
Your task is to implement both the normal and memoized version of the fib
function in fib.cpp
. After you do this you can race them with the
make fib_generator
time ./fib_generator 45
To use the memoized version, pass the -m
time ./fib_generator 45 -m
Common Words
The next part of this assignment involves making an object that can find common
words in different files. The end goal is: given a list of files and a number
n find all words that appear in every file at least n times.
This is a sort of conditional intersection of the words in the files. As you
might expect, you’ll be using a dictionary to solve this problem, with the
words as the keys, and their frequencies as the values. (This is a common
application of associative structures). You will accomplish this by finishing
the CommonWords
You can find the Doxygen for the CommonWords
class here. You
are responsible for writing the init_file_word_maps
, init_common
, and
functions. The former two will help you write the latter
function. The header file (common_words.h
) has descriptions of the variables
you are initializing.
Alternate Implementations
This is just one way to solve the problem. If a different way of using map
(and other structures) seems more intuitive to you, feel free to do that
instead. For instance, you may want to use a map from a word to a vector of
integers, where each integer corresponds to the number of times that word
appears in the corresponding file.
Once you’ve written your class, you can compile it with make
. You can then test it on some small text files or novels:
./find_common_words data/small1.txt data/small2.txt -n 3
./find_common_words data/PrideAndPrejudice.txt data/Beowulf.txt data/SherlockHolmes.txt -n 500
The executable command below finds all the words that appear greater than or equal to n times in ALL the parameter text files. Here is the usage:
./find_common_words [TEXT FILES] -n [NUM] [-o FILE]
Pronunciation Puzzler
For this part of the lab you’ll complete an object which will help solve the following puzzle (taken from CarTalk):
This was sent in by a fellow named Dan O’Leary. He came upon a common one-syllable, five-letter word recently that has the following unique property. When you remove the first letter, the remaining letters form a homophone of the original word, that is a word that sounds exactly the same. Replace the first letter, that is, put it back and remove the second letter and the result is yet another homophone of the original word. And the question is, what’s the word?
Now I’m going to give you an example that doesn’t work. Let’s look at the five-letter word, ‘wrack.’ W-R-A-C-K, you know like to ‘wrack with pain.’ If I remove the first letter, I am left with a four-letter word, ‘R-A-C-K.’ As in, ‘Holy cow, did you see the rack on that buck! It must have been a nine-pointer!’ It’s a perfect homophone. If you put the ‘w’ back, and remove the ‘r,’ instead, you’re left with the word, ‘wack,’ which is a real word, it’s just not a homophone of the other two words.
But there is, however, at least one word that Dan and we know of, which will yield two homophones if you remove either of the first two letters to make two, new four-letter words. The question is, what’s the word?
Basically, we’re looking to find words such that
- the word itself,
- the word with its first character removed, and
- the word with its second character removed
are all homophones (i.e., have the same pronounciation) of each other.
To accomplish this we are going to employ the help of CMU’s Pronouncing
Dictionary. The data associated
with that dictionary is stored in a file (data/cmudict.0.7a
) and read on
construction of a PronounceDict
object (see pronounce_dict.h
). You don’t
have to worry about the constructors this time since they’re not very
interesting. Instead, you’re responsible for writing the homophones
which determines whether two words are homophones are not. Check out
to see what kind of dictionary structure you’re working
with, and remember that it is mapping a word to its pronunciation.
Here is the Doxygen for the PronounceDict
expects the words to be uppercase. Here’s how you can transform
a std::string str
to uppercase in C++:
std::transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(), ::toupper);
It uses std::transform
(you know how to look this function up, right?) We’ll
leave it up to you to try and figure out exactly how it works. If you need
help, post on Piazza!
Next you will have to write the code which actually solves the puzzle. This
function resides in cartalk_puzzle.cpp
. It takes a word list file name
(similar to before) and a PronounceDict
You need to be able to read in a list of words form the word list. To do this, you’ll need to know some basic C++ file I/O. This following snippet will print out every word in a word list file:
ifstream wordsFile(filename);
string word;
if (wordsFile.is_open()) {
/* Reads a line from `wordsFile` into `word` until the file ends. */
while (getline(wordsFile, word)) {
cout << word << endl;
To solve the actual puzzle, methods like the std::string
function will probably prove useful. If all
goes well you should be able to make it and run the executable with:
make homophone_puzzle
If you want to debug with cout
, I would recommend typing using std::cout;
and using std::endl;
instead of a blanket using namespace std;
or else you
may get some nasty errors.
There should be 5 (only 4 if you follow the CarTalk problem which looks for words with length 5) resulting triples of words, but only one which matters. I believe the answer CarTalk was looking for is the only one in the list where the two homophones are distinct (it doesn’t matter for us if you don’t make sure the homophones are distinct).
The final part of this assignment involves making a dictionary for looking up
anagrams of a given word. Two words are anagrams of one another if we can
rearrange the letters of one to form the other. For example, the letters in the
word “dog” can be rearranged to form the word “god”. We want an object (built
from a word list) whom I can feed the string "dog"
and it will spit out both
and "god"
You’ll find the definition of the AnagramDict
class in anagram_dict.h
You are responsible for implementing both constructors, as well as the
functions get_anagrams
and get_all_anagrams
. AnagramDict
has an instance
of map named dict
which maps a string
to a vector
of string
You MUST implement both constructors. The ./anagram_finder
uses the constructor that takes a filename; catch uses the constructor that
takes a vector
Make sure you check your code with catch!
Remember that when using dictionaries we need to figure out a way to uniquely
identify each of our values. In this case we want to uniquely identify a group
of words which are anagrams of one another: we need some sort of function
that we can apply to a key such that f("dog") == f("god")
f("silent") == f("listen") == f("tensil")
, but f("dog") != f("silent")
Phrased differently, you’ll need to come up with some sort of a function, such
that it always returns the same value for all words that are anagrams of one
Once you figure out what a function f
must do to satisfy that constraint (and
there are many possible answers), you’ll find it useful to Google how to
actually implement that function if it seems non-trivial to you. (Actually,
you’ll find it useful to Google for pretty much anything, including what should
Here is the Doxygen for the AnagramDict
One of the AnagramDict
constructors takes a word list file name, which is
expected to be a newline-separated list of words (see words.txt
). Read this
file the in same way as you did for the pronounciation puzzle.
To test your dictionary you can use the anagram_finder
executable, which you
can compile by running make anagram_finder
. Example usage and output:
./anagram_finder dog
Anagrams for dog:
You can run it with the flag -a
to print out a list of all the known anagrams
for this word list. -o
will redirect the output to a file, e.g.
./anagram_finder -a -o anagrams.txt
You can diff
your output of the above command with data/all_anagrams_soln.txt
You may also specify your own word list file with -w
if you’re feeling
adventurous (it defaults to the words.txt
in the data
Testing Your Program
As usual, there are Catch tests for this lab, which can be run with:
make test && ./test
Submitting Your Work:
The following files are used in grading:
All other files including any testing files you have added will not be used for grading.