CS173: Missed Work

A variety of situations might cause you to miss an examlet or other work. When the problem is minor (e.g. short virus), it's usually straightforward to make up.

Major problems

The rules on this page apply to minor problems, such as a brief illness. If you are experiencing major problems, contact your instructor promptly to work out a suitable plan.

Examples of larger problems would be:

Depending on the circumstances, we may ask you to provide documentation (e.g. a doctor's note). You should typically be working with DRES, your advisor, and/or the Dean of Students office. In particular, the Dean of Students office can help you inform instructors when you can't reasonably do so yourself (e.g. you're in the hospital), and provide confirmation of problems where you might not wish to tell us all the details.

Missed homework

If you add the course late, you are expected to quickly self-register on moodle so that you don't get further behind. Contact the instructor promptly to get any necessary extensions. Notice that we don't take attendance at the first tutorial. So you do not need to make that up, though it would be wise to work through the problems.

We will drop one autograded homework grade, one study problem grade, and one tutorial.

Missed tutorial

If you must miss your assigned tutorial, e.g. due to illness or a conflicting obligation, you have three options

When you have made up a tutorial in any of these ways, make sure to check that your attendance gets recorded correctly on moodle. These unusual situations are the main source of recording errors.

Missed examlets

Missed examlets can be made up the following week at the normal exam time. Specifically

There will be an opportunity to make up a missed examlet 11 on Monday/Tuesday of the last week of classes.

If you have a DRES accommodation for extra time, obviously two exams will not fit into the regular class period. Please contact your instructor to arrange a second time. If possible, we will have you take the makeup during one of our other lecture times, but we may need to create an override on moodle.

For a single missed examlet, you do not need to tell us that you missed the examlet or provide an excuse. However, the following situations are not ok and you must contact an instructor to tell us what is wrong and arrange a suitable plan for getting caught up.

When appropriate, we may allow you to take an examlet two weeks after its original date. However, delays beyond that will be allowed only in cases of major problems

Acts of God

We occasionally have outages in campus networks, power, or CS departmental servers. Weather sometimes disrupts operations and occasionally even shuts campus. Zoom can go down. And so forth. We will extend deadlines or make other arrangements when there are long or awkwardly timed outages. The details depend on the exact circumstances. However, we expect that you will download critical documents (e.g. exam study materials) in a timely manner and that you realize that support is very limited at night.

If a weather or other emergency makes travel hazardous, do not travel.

If you are outside Champaign-Urbana, please keep us informed about issues that may be affecting your area but not ours. This is obvious if you are far away (e.g. in another country). However, even within Champaign county, weather often affects the rural roads more than the ones inside the city.

Piazza is a great way to stay informed and also to keep the course staff informed about issues we might not have noticed.