Lecture 9
First, we had examlet 3.
Then we saw function notation (with type signatures) and
the basic ideas behind onto and one-to-one. We also
looked briefly at statements with two unlike quantifiers.
- Due to mistakes with cut-and-paste, both sheets of Examlet
3 claim to be Part A. The real part A is the one with the single
long proof. The sheet with several short-answer questions is
part B (and will appear as B in the moodle gradebook).
- Homework 1 is partly graded, so only some of you have feedback
on your submissions right now.
- Do make sure to check your grades on moodle and report any
issues to us. Start with the person immediately in charge of that
item. E.g. report attendance to your TA if it's not in
moodle by early the following week. See Piazza for who graded
which part of examlets and homeworks.
- Also, always check point addition on exams with more than one
problem. Humans make lousy mechanical calculators.