Info Lectures Assignments Office Hours Hall of Fame Notes
Info Lectures Assignments Office Hours Hall of Fame Notes

Ideal Gas Simulation

Assigned: 2022-03-02
Due Date(extended): 2022-03-09 by 11:59PM U.S. Central Time For part1
Due Date(extended): 2022-03-23 by 11:59PM U.S. Central Time For part2

Assignment Instructions

In this assignment, you will be using Cinder to simulate, visualize, and analyze the behavior of particles in an ideal gas. Please read through this document carefully before starting the assignment.

Getting Started

Get your copy of the assignment here.

Make sure that you have completed the cinder setup instructions here for setting up cinder.

Create a directory called my-projects in your Cinder folder. Navigate to the my-projects folder and clone your repository within it, and then open the repository using CLion. You should be able to run two different targets; make sure that both of them work.

Important: your ideal-gas repo should be in the following location: <path-to-Cinder>/my-projects/ideal-gas-<github-username>. Again, you should be cloning your repository within my-projects rather than renaming your repo to my-projects. If your idealgas repo is one directory above or below where it should be, you will not be able to build your project and will most likely get a "include could not find load file" error.

MacOS users: It’s possible that you may come across a Permission denied error. In this case, try doing: Edit configurations -> Executable -> Select Other -> Find my-projects//cmake-build-debug/Debug//Contents/MacOS/, and then click run again.

You should make a branch called week1 in your repository, and only commit to this branch. Nothing should be committed to master. When you’re finished with week 1, you can open a pull request to request that your code be merged into master, and this pull request will be reviewed by your code moderator. (Then you’ll make a branch called week2 in the second week of the assignment, and go through the same process.)

We've changed the format of the CMake project a bit:

We’ve provided starter code for you. Please rename the files we asked you to rename and remove TODO comments.

Submitting the Assignment

Push your code to GitHub and create a pull request from the week1 branch into the main branch. Make sure that you've configured the .gitignore to avoid pushing IDE files and build files.

You will also need to submit your GitHub repository to Gradescope.


Your grades for each section of the rubric will be weighted as follows: