Info Assignments Office Hours Hall of Fame Notes
Info Assignments Office Hours Hall of Fame Notes

Ideal Gas Simulation

Assigned: 2020-10-27
Due Date: 2020-11-03 by 11:59PM U.S. Central Time


You’ll also be completing the final project proposal in parallel with this assignment; both are due on the same day. The instructions for the proposal are on a different webpage.

Assignment Instructions

In this assignment, you will be using Cinder to simulate, visualize, and analyze the behavior of particles in an ideal gas. Please read through this document carefully before starting the assignment.

Getting Started

Get your copy of the assignment here.

Note that this is an empty repository. You should be able to set up a Cinder project from scratch by using the Naive Bayes sketchpad code as a minimal working example.

Make a branch called week1 and do all of your work on that branch.

Submitting the Assignment

Push your code to GitHub and create a pull request from the week1 branch into the main branch. Make sure that you've configured the .gitignore to avoid pushing IDE files and build files.

You will also need to submit your GitHub repository to Gradescope.


Your grades for each section of the rubric will be weighted as follows: