Assignments Office Hours Hall of Fame Notes
Assignments Office Hours Hall of Fame Notes

Visual Studio / Xcode Quick Guide

For the final project, we have decided that it would be most appropriate to use a different Integrated Development Environment (IDE) in order to seamlessly write graphical applications.

Below are some tips on how Visual Studio and Xcode differ from CLion. We want to make sure the transition from CLion to Visual Studio/Xcode is a smooth as possible.

Visual Studio


  1. Download Github for Visual Studio * When installing Individual components, select VC++ 2017 v141 toolset (x86, x64)
  2. Open Team Explorer (View -> Team Explorer), and follow these instructions.
  3. Set up the project with openFrameworks

Set up project with openFrameworks

  1. Use the openFrameworks project generator (it should be in the downloaded oF folder) to update your project.
  1. Click Update and Open in IDE.


  1. Click the Green Triangle at the top to run the program. The first compilation might take a while.


This is somewhat similar to CLion. Navigate to Debug -> Start With Debugging. Setting breakpoints is the same as with CLion.




Set up project with openFrameworks

  1. Use the openFrameworks project generator (it should be in the downloaded oF folder) to update your project.
  1. Click Update and Open in IDE.


Press the Triangle at the top left.


See this post

Linux Users

This is the general procedure for getting openFrameworks working on Linux. See and

  1. Identify which version of GCC you have (gcc --version in the terminal).

  2. Download the openFrameworks tarball, either the current stable release or the latest nightly if the stable release does not compile for your system. Make sure you download the correct one for your version of GCC.

  3. Extract the archive, navigate to the scripts/linux folder, and run the correct script for your distribution (Ubuntu, Arch, etc.)

  4. Run and to compile openFrameworks and the projectGenerator. Install the projectGenerator when prompted by the script.

  5. Clone the of-snake assignment into the apps/myApps folder of openFrameworks. For example: /home/ben/downloads/of_v20190324_linux64gcc6_release/apps/myApps/of-snake-bzinn2

  6. Run the projectGenerator.

  1. Navigate to your of-snake assignment folder. There should now be a Makefile there.

  2. Run make