Nov. 11 - Nov. 13
The Excel file you just downloaded contains eleven questions as part of the spreadsheet. The questions are clearly marked throughout the spreadsheet. Each answer is required to be a formula. When an orange input cell is present, your formula must use the orange cell as input so that if the orange cell is changed the value is updated.
As part of Lab 11, you will use an Excel feature called a pivot table. Pivot tables are a great way to summarize data and the lab works with you in setting up the pivot table.
In Windows and newer Mac versions, you can find the Pivot Table interface in the Insert tab on the Excel ribbon:
On older Mac versions of Excel (eg: Office 2011), the Pivot Table interface is found in the Data tab on the Excel ribbon.
The group you completed your lab in will be your final project group. After finishing your lab, you should spend any extra time in lab working with your group to complete the deliverables that are due next week for the final project. You can view all of the data about the final project here:
To submit your lab, you must submit your completed Excel file to the CS 105 website. Ensure you save your file before uploading it.