
In the lab today, you will continue to apply everything you know in Excel to increasingly complex data sets. This lab focuses heavily on INDEX/MATCH and VLOOKUP functions.

Finding Substring Patterns

In this lab (specifically Q5), you will need to search to find if a string matches a pattern. In Excel, arithmetic formulas allow you to specify a criteria that contains a pattern instead of an exact match. Excel allows for two ways to create a pattern:

Consider the formula =SUMIFS(A:A, B:B, criteria1):

Complete the Lab

Download the Lab

Complete the lab within Excel

The Excel file you just downloaded contains eleven questions as part of the spreadsheet. The questions are clearly marked throughout the spreadsheet. Each answer is required to be a formula. When an orange input cell is present, your formula must use the orange cell as input so that if the orange cell is changed the value is updated.


To submit your lab, you must submit your completed Excel file to the CS 105 website. Ensure you save your file before uploading it.