Course Websites

TE 461 - Technology Entrepreneurship

Last offered Fall 2024

Official Description

Critical factors affecting technology-based ventures: opportunity assessment; the entrepreneurial process; founders and team building; preparation of a business plan including market research, marketing and sales, finance, and manufacturing considerations. Students must have an idea for a new venture to participate in the course, and must be prepared to develop this new venture idea as part of the course. Course Information: 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours.

Sample Syllabus

Link provided below may differ from actual syllabus provided by instructor.

Course Description

This course is designed to help young entrepreneurs make significant progress on a well thought out business idea. The idea should be reasonably novel (expect competition) but most importantly, that you are passionate about moving the business forward. We focus on building, refining, and strengthening the idea by completing a comprehensive business model, prototyping, and applying for funding. Weekly case studies help students understand the challenge of starting and running a business. Join this class if you have an idea ready to go on day one! This course will be delivered via Compass 2g. This course meets the first 8 weeks of the semester.

Schedule and Instructors

Technology EntrepreneurshipA50650LCD30900 - 1050 M W  1035 Campus Instructional Facility  Brian Lilly
Technology EntrepreneurshipONC69708ONL3 -     Brian Lilly
Technology EntrepreneurshipONL60409ONL3 -     Brian Lilly