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TAM 424 - Mechanics of Structural Metals

Last offered Fall 2024

Official Description

Micromechanisms at the atomic, single-crystal, and polycrystal levels and their use in explaining the deformation and failure characteristics of metals; elastic deformation, dislocation mechanics, plastic deformation and strengthening mechanisms, fracture mechanics and fracture mechanisms, fatigue, and creep; design criteria; special topics. Course Information: 3 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CEE 300 or ME 330.

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Detailed Course Description

Micromechanisms at the atomic, single-crystal, and polycrystal levels and their use in explaining the deformation and failure characteristics of metals; elastic deformation, dislocation mechanics, plastic deformation and strengthening mechanisms, fracture mechanics and fracture mechanisms, fatigue, and creep; design criteria; special topics. Prerequisite: TAM 324/CEE 300 or ME 330; or consent of instructor. 3 undergraduate hours.


Introduction (5 hr)
Overview; materials classification; typical microstructural constituents--grains, phases, particles, etc.; stress, strain and simple tension experiments

Elastic deformation (4 hr)
Unit cells of crystalline materials; Hooke|#39;s law, physical basis of linear elasticity; anisotropic linear elasticity; elastic properties of heterogeneous media

Dislocation mechanics (8 hr)
Ideal shear strength of perfect crystals; topology and properties of dislocations; generation of dislocations and resultant permanent deformation; dislocation interaction with other dislocations and with other defects

Plastic deformation and strengthening mechanisms (6 hr)
Critical resolved shear stress in single crystals; plastic deformation in polycrystals; strengthening mechanisms; plastic yielding under complex stress states; limit analysis

Fracture mechanics and fracture mechanisms (8 hr)
Linear elastic fracture mechanics, ideal tensile strength of perfect crystals, brittle fracture mechanisms; elastic-plastic fracture mechanics, ductile fracture mechanisms; ductile-to-brittle transition in fracture; creep fracture mechanisms; failure of composites

Fatigue (5 hr)
Cyclic stress-strain relations; fatigue strength and fatigue life; mechanisms of fatigue and fatigue crack growth; fatigue life assessment

Creep deformation (4 hr)
Creep mechanisms; deformation mechanism maps

Special topics (3 hr)

Midterm (1 hr)

ME: MechSE or technical elective.

EM: Secondary field elective.

Schedule and Instructors

Mechanics of Structural MetalsGR71894LCD31500 - 1620 M W  3100 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg Sameh Tawfick
Jeongmin Kim
Mechanics of Structural MetalsUG49317LCD31500 - 1620 M W  3100 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg Sameh Tawfick
Jeongmin Kim