Physics 470 Syllabus (Spring 2024)

Course outline

1. Introduction and overview
2. Fundamental Matter Particles: Leptons
3. Fundamental Matter Particles: Quarks
4. Relativistic Kinematics
5. Interactions and Feynmann Diagrams: QED & QCD
6. Interactions and Feynman Diagrams: Weak Interactions
7. Symmetries and Conservation Laws: Groups
8. Symmetries and Conservation Laws: Spinors
9. Symmetries and Conservation Laws: Flavor
10. Symmetries and Conservation Laws: Discrete Symmetries (Parity, C, G-parity)
11. Symmetries and Conservation Laws: Discrete Symmetries (CP, T, and CPT)
12. Building Hadrons from Quarks: SU(2) Symmetry
13. Building Hadrons from Quarks: SU(3) Symmetry
14. Feynman Calculus, Decays, and Scattering: Decay Rates and Golden Rule
15. Feynman Calculus, Decays, and Scattering: Cross Sections
16. Feynman Rules and the Dirac Equation
17. Solutions to the Dirac Equation
18. Bilinear Covariants, Parity, and the Photon
19. Feynman Rules for QED
20. Casimir's Trick, Trace Theorems, and Cross Sections in QED
21. Electromagnetic Interactions with Leptons and Hadrons
22. Feynman Rules for QCD and Color Factors
23. Charged Weak Interactions of Leptons and Quarks
24. Neutral Currents, Electroweak Unification, and Chiral Fermions
25. Weak Currents and Hypercharge in GSW Theory; Lagrangians in Relativistic Field Theory
26. Local Gauge Invariance, EWSB, and the Higgs Mechanism; Beyond the Standard Model

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