Course Websites

PHYS 394 - Pedagogy Teaching Physics

Last offered Fall 2024

Official Description

Designed to support Learning Assistants (LAs) who are working as instructional aids in lab or discussion sections of the introductory physics courses. Students will study pedagogical strategies for instructor-student interaction and philosophies guiding lab design and/or discussion problem creation. Course Information: Prerequisite: Instructor Approval Required. Lab LAs must have successfully completed PHYS 101, PHYS 102, PHYS 211, or PHYS 212. Discussion LAs must have successfully completed PHYS 100 and PHYS 211.

Related Faculty

Schedule and Instructors

Pedagogy Teaching PhysicsLA176338LCD21530 - 1650 T  222 Loomis Laboratory Morten Lundsgaard
Pedagogy Teaching PhysicsLA276339LCD21530 - 1650 T  1043 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg Morten Lundsgaard
Pedagogy Teaching PhysicsLAD76337LCD21700 - 1820 R  276 Loomis Laboratory Morten Lundsgaard