Course Websites
NPRE 201 - Energy Systems
Last offered Fall 2024
Official Description
Patterns of energy production and utilization and technical aspects of renewable energy resources, advanced fossil fuel systems, and advanced nuclear systems. Course Information: Same as GLBL 201. Prerequisite: MATH 220 or MATH 221; one of PHYS 101, PHYS 211, CHEM 104, CHEM 204, ME 200.
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Schedule and Instructors
Title | Section | CRN | Type | Hours | Times | Days | Location | Instructor |
Energy Systems | I2 | 72552 | LCD | 2 | 1600 - 1750 | MTWR | 3217 Everitt Laboratory | James F Stubbins |
Energy Systems | I3 | 48084 | LCD | 3 | 1600 - 1750 | MTWR | 3217 Everitt Laboratory | James F Stubbins |
Energy Systems | Q | 30493 | LCD | 2 | 1200 - 1250 | M W | 4029 Campus Instructional Facility | Rizwan Uddin |
Energy Systems | Q2 | 49708 | PKG | 3 | 1200 - 1250 | F | 4029 Campus Instructional Facility | Rizwan Uddin |
Energy Systems | Q2 | 49708 | PKG | 3 | 1200 - 1250 | M W | 4029 Campus Instructional Facility | Rizwan Uddin |