Course Websites
MSE 404 NP1 - Novel Photovoltaics
Last offered Spring 2024
Official Description
Experiments include direct hands-on investigations or are performed through computational approaches. Laboratory experiences include both fundamental studies as well as investigations on more applied topics. Course Information: 1.5 undergraduate hours. 1.5 graduate hours. May be repeated if topics vary. Prerequisite: MSE 307 and MSE 308 or permission of instructor. Senior standing.
Section Description
Students are introduced to emerging photovoltaic materials through hands-on experiments. Students fabricate and characterize solar cells made of materials such as organometal halide perovskites. Different methods to synthesize/deposit these materials and device architectures are examined. Students then critically examine advantages and challenges associated with integrating new materials into photovoltaics.
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Schedule and Instructors
Title | Section | CRN | Type | Hours | Times | Days | Location | Instructor |
Novel Photovoltaics | NP1 | 71509 | B4 | 1.5 | 1400 - 1650 | M W | 204 Ceramics Kiln House | Moonsub Shim |