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MSE 404 LD2 - Low Dimensional Electronics

Last offered Spring 2025

Official Description

Experiments include direct hands-on investigations or are performed through computational approaches. Laboratory experiences include both fundamental studies as well as investigations on more applied topics. Course Information: 1.5 undergraduate hours. 1.5 graduate hours. May be repeated if topics vary. Prerequisite: MSE 307 and MSE 308 or permission of instructor. Senior standing.

Section Description

Exploration of emerging materials of reduced dimensionality through hands-on experiments. Students learn to handle/process atomically thin materials such as graphene, fabricate field-effect transistors from these materials, and carry out various means of characterization including electrical, Raman, and optical measurements. In addition, effects of external stimuli (e.g., mechanical and chemical) on electrical characteristics are also examined.

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Low Dimensional ElectronicsLD271508B11.51400 - 1650 T R  204 Ceramics Kiln House Moonsub Shim