Course Websites

MSE 396 - Introduction to Research

Last offered Fall 2024

Official Description

Fundamental tenets of research including an introduction to laboratory safety, constructing a hypothesis, and the design of experiments to test the hypothesis. Basics of mathematical modeling and statistical analysis of data, including the analysis of research data. Emphasis on exposure to the basic procedures comprising engineering communication and the importance of verbal and written communication. Course Information: Approved for Letter and S/U grading. May be repeated in separate terms.

Related Faculty

Sample Syllabus

Link provided below may differ from actual syllabus provided by instructor.

Schedule and Instructors

Introduction to Research263621LBD31600 - 1720 R  305 Materials Science & Eng Bld Nancy R Sottos
Introduction to Research364410LBD11600 - 1720 R  305 Materials Science & Eng Bld Nancy R Sottos