Course Websites

ME 598 AMJ - Science Communications

Last offered Fall 2022

Official Description

Subject offerings of new and developing areas of knowledge in mechanical engineering intended to augment the existing curriculum. See Class Schedule or departmental course information for topics and prerequisites. Course Information: May be repeated in the same or separate terms if topics vary.

Section Description

Please not that this the first semester of a two-semester course (2-hours spring, 2-hours fall). Effective oral and written science communication that reaches both technical and non-technical audiences is increasingly important. Scientists are expected to communicate using a broad range of media. This course provides concentrated instruction and practice in both written and oral communication through a range of communication formats. Topics include persuasion, improv for science communication, story telling, effective graphics, assertion-evidence presentations, and communication to media outlets, as examples. By the end of the two semesters, students will have curated a portfolio of their research that includes oral and written products for both technical and non-technical audiences. Students will prepare and revise portfolio components through extensive peer and instructor feedback. Students will also have other regular assignments to sharpen their oral and science communication skill

Related Faculty

Science CommunicationsAMJ46894LCD21500 - 1650 W  2233 Everitt Laboratory Amy Wagoner Johnson