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ME 501 - Combustion Fundamentals
Last offered Spring 2025
Official Description
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Detailed Course Description
The aim of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the basic principles of combustion processes, how they relate to experimental observations and how they can be used in theoretical and numerical modeling. The subject is presented in a systematic way emphasizing, in particular, its mathematical and physical character and the advances that took place in recent years. Same as AE 538.
Prerequisite: AE 311 or ME 410 or instructor’s permission. 4 graduate hours.
Topics covered in this course:
1. Conservation equations for multi-component, chemically reacting, gas mixtures
2. Chemical thermodynamics and transport phenomena
3. Chemical kinetics
4. Characterization of combustion waves - deflagrations and detonations
5. Simplified models and dimensionless parameters
6. Stoichiometry and adiabatic flame temperature
7. The structure of a planar premixed flame
8. The structure of detonation waves
9. Premixed flames - hydrodynamic considerations
10. Premixed flames in closed vessels
11. Stretched flames and Lewis number effects
12. Extinction phenomena
13. Thermal explosion and ignition phenomena
14. Nonpremixed combustion (diffusion flames)
15. The structure of diffusion flames
16. Lifted diffusion flames and edge flames
17. Combustion of condensed fuels - liquid droplets and solid particles
18. Spray combustion
19. Intrinsic flame instabilities
20. Introduction to turbulent combustion
21. Regimes of turbulent combustion
22. The turbulent flame speed
Title | Section | CRN | Type | Hours | Times | Days | Location | Instructor |
Combustion Fundamentals | A | 30053 | LCD | 4 | 1500 - 1650 | T R | 2051 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg | Nick G Glumac |
Combustion Fundamentals | ONL | 68133 | ONL | 4 | - | Nick G Glumac |