Course Websites

ME 498 IJU - Laser 3D Printing

Last offered Spring 2025

Official Description

Subject offerings of new and developing areas of knowledge in mechanical engineering intended to augment the existing curriculum. See Class Schedule or departmental course information for topics and prerequisites. Course Information: 1 to 4 undergraduate hours. 1 to 4 graduate hours. May be repeated in the same or separate terms if topics vary to a maximum of 9 hours.

Section Description

The course addresses laser powder bed fusion (LPBD) 3D printing technology. The LPBF is an additive manufacturing (AM) process where a laser fuses particulate materials such as metals, polymers, or ceramics. The course includes an overview of the LPBD method, data preparation workflow, AM process chain, AM parameters-microstructure-property relations, post-processing, and case studies. EOS company will offer a summer internship to a top student in the class. This course is pre-approved by the MechSE UPO to count as a MechSE Elective course for ME students.

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Laser 3D PrintingIJU48376LCD31000 - 1120 M W  410C1 Engineering Hall Iwona M Jasiuk